plz read this ghostrider
[b]Your name: pvt pyles 95

[b]Your ban ID:24460

[b]Banned by:[FL:M] Salinsky

[b]Reason: double dooring

[b]Involved: just me

[b]Why we should unban you: okay well at the mtl the gate was broken i told 2 admins they were happy for me to put a wall up as the other gate worked and then later on [FL:M] Salinsky come alone when some prop climbed and he sorted that but straight away banned me with out asking me anything for double doors and btw i know its 1 day but this is unfair when 2 admins said its fine
What he says is true and I witnessed every single bit of it.
I also got banned and I will post a unban request and admin abuse shortly.
Need houses, bases, high tech bases or other advanced duplicates?
/PM Wabbit in-game or add Wabbit on Steam for further information.

Ban 24 hours or less.

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