Forum questions and answers
Alright, I have decided to create this thread in order to clarify some questions regarding the forums, for myself and everyone else.

Feel free to post your own questions and answers here, let's get things clear.

Here goes, I have two questions:

1) How do you edit a poll (once it has been created)

2) Do you get feedback when your guide has been rejected, in the guide section (or what does the procedure look like)
I don't think there is any set procedure for the guide section, especially considering it was created by admins long since gone and is rarely added to these days.

I think most decent guides will be approved and either added or incorporated into existing guides, if it were to be rejected I can only imagine hat some sort of feedback would be presented.

All of this is what I think would/should happen, unfortunately I cannot give a definitive answer.
Well, I have submitted some two to three guides so far and none have been accepted, nor have I received any feedback. I understand that something was wrong about them, but I can not improve without feedback.

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