Too many minges on v33x
Name of player: [FL:RP] 0maWolle, axel, Avsmugen, Blink ! ^, everyone else who is minging in this video

SteamID: Too many to find

Time in GMT: Roughly 7:15PM Eastern Time -5

Server: v33x

Summary: My friend TheMonsterMash and I decided to try the v33x server, when we discovered this huge chaos. Before this video that I'm about to upload, a man had a knife out and when we told him to put it away. He broke FearRP and I eventually tased him. A couple other people started gathering around and stepping on the person, I tased them too. Then there was a shitstorm of people stepping on the bodies and RDMing. I started recording after my friend as president got RDMed. People were CDMing, an SS team killed the Police Commander at one point. But there was alot of stepping on bodies and mic spam. People continually broke NLR and many, many other rules.

Evidence: That link will work when it's done uploading.
I would like to add I have a lot of proof too.

I demoted "Fire_Cat" due to the fact he wasn't doing his job and was just ramming people, I as a president did not want members like this on my team.

They killed me for the job as "Axel" one of the users who was doing all the minging became it INSTANTLY after I died.

I am uploading about 15 minutes of footage and will paste all the links here once completed.

I can confirm Avsmugen backstabbing people without reason.
You will need to find the Steam ID's or we cannot ban any of the excused players.
Request reviewed and denied.

Closing notes:
Insufficient evidence of any rules being violated by accused player.
Please note, No Steam ID/s.

[FL] Jamie
Server Administrative Team

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