Thread Deleted?
Hello guys, I wanted to share my opinion, and I did, on a thread titled "is this admin abusive?" or something along those lines. (It was in this section.)

I found that after I was done editing my post and pressed save, it said "Specified post does not exist."

Why was it deleted?
I was wondering that myself... It just sorta vanished without reason.
Odd enough, logs don't show it deleted. It disappeared :/
(06-26-2012, 02:21 PM)Killjoy Wrote: Odd enough, logs don't show it deleted. It disappeared :/

FL is getting sketchy by the second. I'm guessing an admin hard deleted it.
Let me check this.

The thread got deleted by the user who created it, I was able to restore it:
Dare to think!
It's alive!!! But wait, if it was deleted by user, why were there no logs of it?
Because silly me only checked if an admin deleted it.

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