{READ UNFAIR?}I got banned for rping pls READ NEED HELP!!!
User has been warned for this post. Reason: Not using the template
so what happend is that i was rping because and had a hart attack about 5 players helped me and a medic helped me into the hospital i had another heart attack so i thought to rp i would die but i didnt know how do die so i stupidly killed my self with a prop and i got band Sad

but ppl always prop kill them self and get warnings i was just unlucky
im really sorry for any inconvenience caused.


not a good speller BTW it was quick type
BTW banned by TheTimanator
What Mulley says is true, he didn't know how to kill himself therefore PropKilling himself. Me and him are friends IRL and we only want to RP, not break rules. Please accept the Unban request as we had a good RP going on we just hit a little....bump.

Update it with the template, else I'm not going to look at it.
This ban was lifted before I saw this, after I investigated it.
[Image: 352kv3n.png]
Thanks for the sig dry ^_^

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