What’s your thoughts on the current situation of the server?
So I've been playing FL since 2013 and I've met some of the most complex, psycho, hilarious motherfuckers here. The community is strong, there's no doubt about that. Usually I shit post and say retarded stuff on here but when these threads appear and I see my old friends commenting on them I start to reminisce. Midget posted something about failing a trigonometry test because FL was existing and I have never felt so nostalgic. I want this community to thrive and honestly I wouldn't mind getting back into it. I'm almost done with college and I could throw a few hours in every couple days or so. 

What we need is a roadmap. Let's start from the very beginning, since it is, indeed, a very good place to start. A lot of issues I've seen surrounding the community tend to be with management. Divey is ite. Whatever. Jan would be better in my opinion. He's been here long before I came along and he's still kickin'. He doesn't give a single fucking shit what people think about him. He, in my opinion, is a leader. I'd fucking go into battle with that motherfucker. Make him owner, sell it to him, whatever. Invest in better SAs. No offense to anyone out there, but I can think of more than a few players who would dedicate themselves to the community for the time-being. They don't have to be around long, they just have to be competent enough and dedicated enough to help FL get back on its feet. Me for example. Arkten made some extremely valid points when it came to player interest. Read what he said. Joe Joe can go go. In fact, the whole fucking staff team can go if they aren't active or at least don't make it seem like they are. Fuck 'em. Pollux isn't bad, he is obviously interested in helping out. Get good developers like him. Get veterans who played years ago who have free time now. Reach out. We can't have the team jacking each other off and being so prone to "wokeness" as I've seen. Fuck that shit. Make it enjoyable, have drama. I bet you people don't remember KJ or Narc, but I do, and the fact that I do supports my point entirely. 

Make clans a thing. Reach out to players who have successfully ran clans in the past, such as Rickets, Obay, myself, Ghostkiller, whoever. That shit was so fun. Though I'm not a fan of Grub or Blackdog, their clans made FL so goddamn fucking interesting. Like holy shit, FUMUKU vs. SAA was something honestly out of the ordinary. Clans are important to the community. Development was touched on by a few members in previous posts, such as Arkten. You know what, I don't even know him, make him an SA. He sounds put together and smart. We need a refresh. Fuck this hierarchical system that has been around. We need a goddamn revolution here. Oh, also: roleplay is important I think. Make things fun to roleplay, rehash jobs. ADD METHAMPHETAMINE FOR CONTRA. USE LL'S SCRIPT. FIGURE THAT OUT, IT WILL HELP I AM TELLING YOU. Uhh, what else. Events. Teachers here suck. Rename them to teachers, fuck this event coordinator shit. Back in 2015, teachers were teaching. I was hosting events left and right, and they were fun. I had the whole server in a few of mine. I loved hosting. Also Vauld's shit was hella cool. Find someone like him to host, or even reach out to him too. Fuck it, do whatever you want. But yeah, management. Jan for owner for sure, I swear to God, he will legitimately revamp this shit. Shit is like a personality cult. Usually those are bad right? Imagine if someone like Saddam Hussein was like, a good guy. Imagine if Saddam all of a sudden was like, "Yo, fuck this shit, I'm going to make a Garry's Mod server." Obviously not the best analogy, but Jan is kind of like a good version of Saddam. Everyone knows who he is, right? Imagine if he were like, "Holy fuck, let's not wage war and allow women to like be women and not do all this terrible torture stuff, instead, let's westernize and make this shit look like Paris."

[Image: J1zObHm.gif]
The following 3 users Like Falcon's post:
  • RoCKy, Lewwings, Vauld
(03-13-2022, 04:16 PM)Conn Wrote: Player Recruitment & Retention

At heart, this is the root issue. We're unable to retain players, and thus we are unable to recruit players. The recruitment of players can come from various avenues, typically we've seen most recruitment based on our position on the server browser, and we haven't engaged in any sanctioned forms of advertisement, though I'm sure that various YouTube videos/Twitch streams have had some contribution. 

For the above reason, it's worth focusing on retention of users in more depth currently, I believe.

"We're unable to retain players, and thus we are unable to recruit players."

Well, we are not unable to recruit new players. It's just that it would be pointless, because it would be a short term solution; a great percentage would simply stop playing within the first day(s).

I completely agree. Retention of player should be the number one focus.

As soon as a player click on "join game" from the server browser - he should be considered a player.

That means:

1. Loading times need to be fast! (That means as little content as possible!)
2. Loading screen needs to be interesting!

When he enters the server, he still needs to be retained.
In the first time he joins, he is going to make up his mind for if he wants to continue playing.

Therefore, you need to limit factors that constitute a shit server:

1. Bad performance (Due to the map, entities, Etc.)
2. Missing content (Errors) - You know I've been bitching about errors ever since I first talked to you.
3. Bad / lacking community

4. Little to do - boring gameplay - broken economy (Too easy/hard to make money)

Also, get the player to register on the forums and engage in the community as fast as possible! Incentivise registering an account and making a first post!
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.
The following 2 users Like Haarek's post:
  • Idea, Self
Joe Biden said that the current state of Fearless is due to Putin.
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:68652272&b=16]
If LegendaryMH4 came on I'm sure everything will go back to 2017 FL
[Image: 8qIOXca.jpg]
The following 2 users Like Boonan's post:
  • Self, Equinox
Right, seems like there's once again a lot of posts on this thread to mess around a little, but it was made with good intentions. Let's be real about what Fearless needs.

Of course the playerbase has been terrible for quite some months now, nobody can deny that, we need to look into what truly helps. Here's the points I think Fearless needs to improve on as soon as possible (I'll try to keep it as short and straight forward as possible):

  • Focus much more on the aggresive roleplay: Let's be real, a good old shootout is fun as hell, promote it!
  • Do everything within your power as staff members to promote the clan world: approach people that once led (or are leading) an influential clan and do anything in your power to get all those people to continue with their (once) succesfull clans. Rename organisations to clans and stop creating unneccecary rules restricting clans wars, instead, promote them! Clan wars mean hype, hype means a lot of folks will hop online to defend what they love. And change the name of organisations to clans again, it's a much easier/well known term.
  • Get rid of the inactive staff members: It's okay to resign after you've lost your motivation completely, it's only normal. What we need in these times is active staff members, staff members that people look up to, staff members that inspire generations to one day become part of the team. Staff members that have influence over the community and its members, yes, a popular staff member is better then someone that never shows his/her face.
  • Bring back teachers/get rid of event coordinators: New folks need a hand, bring back influential people that are willing to teach, explain and host fun events. This can all be done within the same rank, and people should be able to publicly apply for it. Yes, people want something to work for, yes, a promotion is good motivation.
  • Revamp the staff system: Why does stuff have to be overly complicated? Bring back trial periods to 2-3 weeks max, this is more then enough time to judge someone. Bring back admin applications publicly. Give people something to work for both in-game and on the forums. Reward good behaviour and promote people with great influence. Also change back the name from management to super admin again, don't make stuff complicated when it doesn't need to be complicated.
  • Host community meetings: The community wants to be heard, a post here and there as a reply to certain members isn't enough. Host a (monthly?) meeting on Discord and invite the entire community. An SA can do this and the owner should be involved as much as possible.
  • Expand into differend timezones: We've got many Europeans on here, great. What's better though is that people with differend timezones jump in again though. Promote Americans, promote the folks in Australia that are worthy of a promotion and focus on those timezones aswell. What we want is a server that is populated more then the usual 5-6 hours a day.
  • Reward roleplay: Why is getting roleplay points like rocket science? Hand 'em out! Reward people that create fun scenario's (passive and absolutely aggresive ones aswell). People are much more likely to get motivated if they see that getting an RPP is do-able! That's what the point of them is in the first place.
  • Reward your loyal members: Reward the folks keeping the server and community populated! Give them some bonusses in-game and on the forums/Discord.
No mention of the gamemode or content that need to be improved!? No, the gamemode is a blast, it's easily the best roleplay gamemode findable on GMod. We have a shit ton of content and we don't need more. Development is absolutely no issue. Mindset and the willingness for change is. Am I willing to help out with any of the above in any way I can? Absolutely. Am I crazy for constanty sticking around after all stuff that happened? Absolutely, but it's pretty hard to leave something you've been part for almost 11 years behind and act like you don't care when you obviously do.

Folks/Management, let's get to it, time to get the ball rolling and repopulate this stuff.
(03-15-2022, 10:05 PM)Of Jan Wrote: Right, seems like there's once again a lot of posts on this thread to mess around a little, but it was made with good intentions. Let's be real about what Fearless needs.

Of course the playerbase has been terrible for quite some months now, nobody can deny that, we need to look into what truly helps. Here's the points I think Fearless needs to improve on as soon as possible (I'll try to keep it as short and straight forward as possible):

  • Focus much more on the aggresive roleplay: Let's be real, a good old shootout is fun as hell, promote it!
  • Do everything within your power as staff members to promote the clan world: approach people that once led (or are leading) an influential clan and do anything in your power to get all those people to continue with their (once) succesfull clans. Rename organisations to clans and stop creating unneccecary rules restricting clans wars, instead, promote them! Clan wars mean hype, hype means a lot of folks will hop online to defend what they love. And change the name of organisations to clans again, it's a much easier/well known term.
  • Get rid of the inactive staff members: It's okay to resign after you've lost your motivation completely, it's only normal. What we need in these times is active staff members, staff members that people look up to, staff members that inspire generations to one day become part of the team. Staff members that have influence over the community and its members, yes, a popular staff member is better then someone that never shows his/her face.
  • Bring back teachers/get rid of event coordinators: New folks need a hand, bring back influential people that are willing to teach, explain and host fun events. This can all be done within the same rank, and people should be able to publicly apply for it. Yes, people want something to work for, yes, a promotion is good motivation.
  • Revamp the staff system: Why does stuff have to be overly complicated? Bring back trial periods to 2-3 weeks max, this is more then enough time to judge someone. Bring back admin applications publicly. Give people something to work for both in-game and on the forums. Reward good behaviour and promote people with great influence. Also change back the name from management to super admin again, don't make stuff complicated when it doesn't need to be complicated.
  • Host community meetings: The community wants to be heard, a post here and there as a reply to certain members isn't enough. Host a (monthly?) meeting on Discord and invite the entire community. An SA can do this and the owner should be involved as much as possible.
  • Expand into differend timezones: We've got many Europeans on here, great. What's better though is that people with differend timezones jump in again though. Promote Americans, promote the folks in Australia that are worthy of a promotion and focus on those timezones aswell. What we want is a server that is populated more then the usual 5-6 hours a day.
  • Reward roleplay: Why is getting roleplay points like rocket science? Hand 'em out! Reward people that create fun scenario's (passive and absolutely aggresive ones aswell). People are much more likely to get motivated if they see that getting an RPP is do-able! That's what the point of them is in the first place.
  • Reward your loyal members: Reward the folks keeping the server and community populated! Give them some bonusses in-game and on the forums/Discord.
No mention of the gamemode or content that need to be improved!? No, the gamemode is a blast, it's easily the best roleplay gamemode findable on GMod. We have a shit ton of content and we don't need more. Development is absolutely no issue. Mindset and the willingness for change is. Am I willing to help out with any of the above in any way I can? Absolutely. Am I crazy for constanty sticking around after all stuff that happened? Absolutely, but it's pretty hard to leave something you've been part for almost 11 years behind and act like you don't care when you obviously do.

Folks/Management, let's get to it, time to get the ball rolling and repopulate this stuff.
You have said everything important exept new (content) especially the rp points one
Obay is too busy living and you can see that on Instagram I don't think he will hop back on. @Tony
(03-15-2022, 10:14 PM)konsta Wrote: Obay is too busy living and you can see that on Instagram I don't think he will hop back on. @Tony

Jack is simply too sexy for us.
[Image: J1zObHm.gif]
(03-15-2022, 10:20 PM)TonyTwoToes Wrote:
(03-15-2022, 10:14 PM)konsta Wrote: Obay is too busy living and you can see that on Instagram I don't think he will hop back on. @Tony

Jack is simply too sexy for us.

ur too sexy for us
Tomo last logged in 23rd feb this server is done

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