The society
Hey guys,

I actually wanted to ask you what are your thoughts about how our society will look like in 20 - 50 Years. I am really more than curious about what you guys come up with. 

So here are some questions you might want to answer in your reply;

1. What are your thoughts of how society will look like in 20-50 years?
2. Do you think that the current Corona Virus affects the society in future?
3. Do you think we will use more high-tech stuff than now or less or the same?
4. Do you think that more EU states are going to leave the EU?
5. Which country do you think will be one of the strongest on earth? 

Feel free to answer those questions and also feel free to ask the community for their your own opinion about your thoughts.

Looking forward to see some of your replies Smile
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The future:

What needs to be at the forefront of discussion now is nuclear proliferation, and the damage that it will inevitably do to the planet, given the right circumstances. It is not unreasonable to assume that, if now there were to be a war that breaks out, and WMDs such as nuclear warheads were to be used, then we may as well call the time of death for the planet. Nuclear explosions will damage and for hundreds, if not thousands of years, making it uninhabitable, killing all wildlife, and destroying any hopes of agricultural growth.
Recently, there have been plans for the UK to expand it's nuclear arsenal, which currently stands at over 100 active warheads. If WMDs such as these serve only to act as a deterrent, and should never be used, then it is beyond me why over £30bn is to be set aside to invest in more bombs that, in theory, should just sit and never be deployed; again, if they are deployed, then we are all doomed. £30bn could be spent investing in services that make a real difference, ensuring that our NHS doesn't continue to crumble, that it has the services available that are required, that staff are paid a fair wage. £30bn could be invested into the mental health crisis, it could go into national projects that benefit us all such as fibre infrastructure, or further allowing accessibility to schools and universities. Too many countries play God with their defence programmes, many of which are frankly ridiculous fire pits designed to suck up money for no useful gain. The talk shouldn't be about how many more nukes we need, it should be about how we reduce our arsenals, and work towards a society that can resolve issues amicably, rather than by killing everyone and everything in a path of destruction.


I expect that more people will adopt face masks even post-COVID, similarly to the usage in some Asian countries due to smog and such. This isn't a bad thing, I think people will treat it quite like a safety net, just for that extra bit of protection. This would be great to see when people are suffering from flus, as the mask serves the role to add an extra bit of protection for those around the mask wearer. It can't hurt.

I strongly believe that COVID should bring the question of foreign aid into the forefront, as it is common knowledge that many of these viruses, bugs, etc, will originate in countries with poor public health management, as many of the countries are not very developed. Foreign aid benefits everyone, as we can see, moving into a more globalised society with transatlantic connections becoming easier and easier with transport. Those countries who are in a comfortable position with well developed healthcare systems should be working in conjunction to raise the stability and infrastructure of other countries. If we can work together, rather than continue in a divided society, then everyone benefits. Vilifying countries is not the solution (e.g. "China Virus"), that xenophobic hatred only functions to further divide all nations, and thus we all suffer because of it.

As for the EU question:

If people watching the UK as the test subject are reasonable, I wonder how long until it's put down as a failed experiment. As we have left, exports to EU countries have dropped dramatically, and we're not compensating with exports to non-EU countries. We have lost a ton of rights and abilities, such as the right to freely travel, and work in 27+ countries, and then there are many stipulations that people are experiencing; I received a £70 tax and duty bill from Fedex following an order from an EU store, which luckily they covered - this won't be the case all of the time.

Brexit was a disaster for business and for individuals.


Of course tech will advance greatly. Look back 10 years time, and consider what mobile phones were then, as to now. Better yet, look back 20 or 30 years time at what we didn't have. This will only continue to expand with the introduction of 5G, IoT, AI, etc. We've barely touched the tip of the iceberg as to what is possible with compute power. Society will evolve around it, and hopefully it will be mostly used for good.

Strongest Country:
The strongest country is the one that has a heart, in my eyes. The USA could be classed as the richest third world country, due to the fact that hundreds of thousands of people are declared bankrupt every year as they cannot afford medical bills. There is a mindset that everyone can reach the American Dream, except due to the fundamental issues with a capitalist society, there are so many roadblocks being thrown up that stop this from being the case. Anyone, or any country that believes that it is a good and fair outcome that a multi-billionaire continues to grow wealthier whilst exploiting workers with poor wages, the inability to unionise, and strict, inhumane working conditions, is either wilfully blind and ignorant, or downright psychopathic. It should be the role of governments to fight these injustices for the betterment of its citizens, except you rarely see any questioning of Amazon's business practices, but for a small amount of journalism that never tends to get national coverage.

Judging a country as strong based on its ability to invade any other country, or wipe any country off the face of the earth is the equivalent of judging how great and strong a person is based on their genitalia.

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The future: If we look at 20 years from now, the major changes will be in urbanization. We will see new shiny buildings and projects, including road, energy, and other facilities that impacts our lives. Maybe a hydro loop? Environmental problems will be solved if they are taken care of today, if not then be ready for extreme disasters and pollution. Politics will be different, maybe there will be wars, more annexations and instability. Esp in Africa and Middle East, if no peace deals or treaty’s made in the next two years, then wars will go on forever. Myanmar, Iraq, Syria, Libya, central Africa do not have a bright future. We need to boycott France.

The corona virus has made the poor poorer and the rich richer. Global poverty has increased by 50% and millions have lost their jobs. It will take years for everyone to get vaccinated so expect death tolls to reach millions. As the pandemic comes to an end we will see a global recovery in the economy. Healthcare will change. As well as preventing annother pandemic will be more effective, but in 20 years people may forget and act stupid again. like how we forgot about the swine flu in 2010

High tech stuff in the future will change how we interact and do shit. Maybe Alexa will have a mind of her own, maybe we will have drone taxi Uber drivers. The technology in the next 20 years will be targeted to solve today’s problems. More automation. More AI. Especially in the defense and military industry. That shit crazy. Big tech companies like Tesla google Facebook apple etc will be innovating our future. No iPhone = no life.

Possibly. If the countries that want to leave the EU then it would most likely be Italy , then the Netherlands. If Britiain proves to be well without the French. Then others will follow. So far Germany is the sugar daddy for the poor EU countries like Greece. These poor countries depend on the EU for bailouts. Europe union was made to have duty free trade, visa free travel and to stop ppl from killing eacother.  Like WW2

Most powerful countries will be China, USA then Russia. Their expansion in global markets and military makes them unstoppable. As for USA and Russia it will depend on the presidents in the next 20 years.

These are my assumptions based on my knowledge and facts.
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san marino will be the powerhouse of the world innit

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(04-12-2021, 12:14 PM)Conn Wrote: The future:

Easy on the ritalin, Conn
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.
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[Image: image0.png?width=421&height=606]

cute. we still have 6400 Smile
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(04-12-2021, 01:06 AM)RoCKy Wrote: 1. What are your thoughts of how society will look like in 20-50 years?

I believe that in the coming years, that the issues we are currently facing such as COVID-19, the recession, the China problem, the EU, the War on Terror, and the many migrant crises will start to reveal their impacts on our society and will lead to changing the way that we as a civilisation will interact with both outsiders, and ourselves.

I have no doubt that in the coming decades, our society will change in new and interesting ways as we face the music of our shifting environment. I don't believe that the world will be burning, but it will become somewhat unbearable if we keep at it like we have been, and I would like to think we would apply similar pressure to do so on other countries across the world like the US, China, and India, as well as aiding the African continent in adapting as the infrastructure to properly do so does not exist in great numbers.

While, this may a surprising view from a conservative, I would really hope that new measures to prevent further damages to our climate our introduced in the next few years and decades, I hold the view that doing so would only be in not only our national, but also our global interest to continue onwards. Coronavirus has shown us that we are less in control of events than we like, and it should be a cautionary tale of wisdom that we are also at the mercy of our environment. However powerful our governments can be, you can't negotiate with the climate, so adaptions to our way of life must be made (not all out restrictions left, right, and centre, but rather reasonable changes at a swift pace so that they can be fast but understandable).

2. Do you think that the current Corona Virus affects the society in future?

Anti-social behaviour will likely rise over the next few years, which is the bleak reality of constantly having to weigh up the risks of socialising with others thanks to the Wuhan Shuffle. However, an obvious get-around is the rise and potential domination of online socialising becoming the preferred means of interacting with others as it is infinitely easier to conduct, but it's possible that it could just miss that human touch.

I predict that by the end of this decade, a flurry of wanting to get out and go socialise everywhere will occur thanks to the incessant boredom and loneliness that came as a result of lockdowns. I think that the logic of "Carpe Diem" or seizing the day will become the prevailing national urge in our post-COVID world.

3. Do you think we will use more high-tech stuff than now or less or the same?

Technology is the future. Coronavirus has simply solidified our reliance on it to keep society somewhat threaded together. With innovation constantly occurring within our research and development, and with technology 'evolving' at an ever-increasing rate, it's very likely that things will be more 'high-tech' as we continue the bold integration of technology and our world.

4. Do you think that more EU states are going to leave the EU?

The European Union is in crisis and events of recent times has shown a massively overweight and suffocating bureaucracy that does nothing but clamp down on any new major initiatives and curtails progress in the name of an ever closer union. I can easily see the speed at which other nations leave either increase or decrease with the ramifications of Brexit becoming a reality. If Brexit becomes a success in the next few years, other countries with similar feelings of trying it out alone will be inspired to perform the same walk of fire to leaving the union. If Brexit happens to be a failure in the next few years, it will delay these aspirations but not completely kill them.

My reasoning for believing this is that without proper and real reforms in how the EU operates in the near future (I'm talking next 5-10 years), then the cracks will really start to show. Italy the biggest contender to bail, I predict Italy will leave the union within the next 10 years, followed shortly afterwards by Greece, and eventually Poland too.

Without reform, the EU will collapse under its own weight.

5. Which country do you think will be one of the strongest on earth? 

It's a big fight between the United States of America and the People's Republic of China in what could very well soon become a second Cold War, one that I hope America wins, but we will have a somewhat clearer idea by 2031. 

As for former world superpower, Russia, no large moves will happen since it's more or less stuck in a rut of still pretending to be a formidable world power while it's only real force these days is military strength, while the rest of the country continues to spiral into disaster.

Just some general thoughts. I do like the topic and theories that come with predicting the future, and if the forums stays up for a long-time to come, some of my predictions will either be proven or disproven. Problem with this sort of stuff is the world can change dramatically over the course of a few weeks (as we saw with COVID-19) or event worse, in a single day (9/11), but nonetheless, it's still a fun thought exercise in dreaming up some future path the world might take.

Excellent thread, RoCKy!
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