Steam Name: Jordy

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:88928338

BlacklistID(s): 108628

Blacklist Reason
Violence should always be the last option, shooting and killing an unarmed person in the jails.

Staff Member: Midget

Involved users
Me and a rebel

Why should you be unblacklisted?
I should be un blacklisted because the reason for the blacklist was violence should be last option.

I was literally chasing a rebel who was doing a prison break which was mentioned in the radio he had a weapon I thought I seen him with a pistol which ended up being his toolgun.

With the current situation with 40% tax we were standing alert ready to protect the nexus from raids so when a rebel runs past us into jails releasing his accomplaices, I chased him around shouting for him to stop or lethal force would be used as he was avoiding the taser from the other officer. THEREFORE VIOLENCE WAS THE LAST OPTION AS HE WAS NOT LISTENING TO THE TASER ORDERS AND AVIODING THE OFFICERS TASER SHOTS.

At that current time we couldn't take anymore risks after several attempted raids obviously we're going to be on guard ready to shoot.

Just feel as if this is targetting our group of players because of us voicing our opinions on the new updates. I shown no toxicity in OOC or anything.

If it is possible could another staff member look over this as I dont think my blacklist should be on record as I'm trying to keep a clean slate after the ban wipe.
Hey Jordy,

I was watching the whole incident from when the rebel ran into jails unarmed, from the very last second you shot him standing still in the bottom of the stairs. You shot him several times while he was running away and made no attempt to stop him other than pulling out a shotgun.

When you were in the bottom of the stairs of jails after he had run around near the prison cells he was standing practically still and then you decided to shoot him in the face with a shotgun rather than taze or cuff him. For me to accept this unblacklist appeal you'll have to convince me that was your last option. I think you'll have a very hard time doing so but I'll keep an open mind.

As for the 'targeting', if your group feels I have been persistently watching their actions the past days - you can rest assured I definitely have. I do that for all players who I suspect have a tendency to break the rules more frequently than others. This has nothing to do with your opinions on any updates.

Furthermore, unfortunately there is no other admin that can review this case as they did not witness it. But I will be sure to discuss this case with another member of the staff team after your final reply and before concluding the case.

We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.

There had literally been a raid 3-4 minutes before so we were still in process of making sure it was completely finished. I can assure you the shotgun was my last option was their was another officer chasing him around with me repeatedly asking him to stop and he would not comply.

We did infact try to tase him mulitple times but he was dodging it until he got to the bottom of the jails. He then started to open cell doors with his toolgun out which at the time I thought it was a pistol of somesort. There was about 3 or 4 prisoners running riot around the jail area. I shot him when he had the toolgun out and then he finally stopped just as I fired my last shot which was a miss timing error however I tried to keep from using my lethal bullets first but like I mentioned before he was dodging the taser shots so we proceeded to take lethal action.

Kinds Regards
Community Member
(12-09-2020, 06:18 PM)Jordy Wrote: I shot him when he had the toolgun out and then he finally stopped just as I fired my last shot which was a miss timing error however I tried to keep from using my lethal bullets first but like I mentioned before he was dodging the taser shots so we proceeded to take lethal action.

You did not try to use your "lethal bullets" last. You blatantly ran around shooting him from a distance and closeup. As I said you could've easily tazed him but instead you decided it was better to shoot him dead in the face with a shotgun. I watched the whole incident and concluded you broke the rules and should be blacklisted based on what I saw. This appeal did not convince me otherwise.

We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.

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