Manufacturing bug
Title of Bug: Manufacturing bug

Basically for example, if i am making ammo as a BMD. I make ammo in large amounts like 300-700 each time. Everytime without fail, my game will crash multiple times saying something about Lua. Like run out of lua or something daft. That could be the exact pop up you get but im not sure its just along those lines. When i next run into i can screenshot it and show the exact message. My guess is that its the button being used too much at once but still that shouldnt be an issue.

Try get the lua error that actually happens.

Spoiler :
also r we talking about ur scam ammo? the like 200000000k one lol

(06-13-2019, 09:21 PM)richieb Wrote: Try get the lua error that actually happens.

Spoiler :
also r we talking about ur scam ammo? the like 200000000k one lol

I will and maybe ahahahaha

[Image: PywvXUS.gif]
This bug was due to the inventory reloading all derma elements every time the inventory had to be reloaded, but instead of removing or updating the previous derma elements it simply cleared the list of elements and created new derma panels. This caused the old derma panels to still be loaded but unable to be seen, when people had huge inventories this could easily take 10-50MB extra memory for every reload.

Fixed with update #75!

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