[Pas/Agr][FL:PD] Fearless Police Department
Fearless Police Department

"To Protect and Serve"

This RP Group are a Evocity Government Aided Group specalising in Police work with specialization in: Hostage Negotiation, Highway Patrol, Detective work and Special Weapons and Tactics.

We are split up into Departments. Each Department has a Different Specialization, set of Training and Skills. There are Various ranks in each Department ranging from Head of Department, to Foot patrol.

Every Officer that signs up to FL:PD will be added to this Post. This is because there Awards and Warnings will all be listed here.

We do have some Rules and Requirements to join the Clan as-well as some Benefits to Joining the Force.

Departments and Staff List

Quick Guide to Ranking.
No Colour = Non-Power Rank
Red Colour = Head of Department
Green = Head of FL:PD

Senior Management and Trainers

FL:PD Director:

[FL:RP] ForceGhost

FL:PD Chief of Police:


SWAT Team Trainer

Jason 'Toby' Halls

Counter Terrorism and Special Operations Bureau [S.W.A.T]
(This Department Deal with Serious Firearms Offences and Presidential Protection)
(All SWAT Officers must be at least Private by the end of there second week. if they fail to complete this they will be moved to Crime Prevention. These Teams our our most Active teams. If you are going inactive, Let us know so we can move you. Contact Your Team Leader to Begin your Training)

SWAT Team A:

Steve "Serpent" Gates (Team A Leader)
Kenny 'Twinkie' Ellis
Tony 'Rex' Hank
Czar Bilinskii

SWAT Team B:

John 'Shadow' Andrews (Leader)
Tim Jones
Isaac Clarke
Mel Gusta
Jimmy Sinner

Highway Patrol and Traffic Department
(This Department deals with Speeders, Parking Tickets and high speed pursuit tactics.)

Head of Department:

Ethan "Squiggles" Dinkleburg

Senior Traffic Manager:

<Open Slot>
<Open Slot>

Highway Patrol Officers:

Hostage Jr
Natsu Dragneil
Douglas Zero
Tim Jones
<Open Slot>

Crime Prevention Task Force
(This Department deals with Everyday Crime. Theft, Assaults, Domestics, Assisting with Raids, Assisting with Warrants)

Head of Department:

Chang Lee

Senior Officers:

<Open Slot>
<Open Slot>


Hostage Jr
Kanji "Tears" Lee
Lyle Williams


1) Follow the Server Rules at all time.
2) From the Day you join. More than 3 Bans will result in being Kicked from the Clan.
3) You must PM Your Head of Department if you Do get banned. In this you must State why you got Banned, And what you learned from it.
4) We do not Target Other Clans or Players Unless they Appear on our Wanted List.
5) When RPing on behalf of the Clan. Set your Job to: FL:PD and your Department EG: FL:PD SWAT Team or FL:PD Detective.
6) This Clan counts as an [Aggressive] Clan. You may still join a [Passive] Clan while joining this one.
7) Do not Contra Whore while using the FL:PD Job Title.
8) Your Head of Department can Apply for your Promotion, but it must be Decided by the FL:PD Director or The Chief of Police.
9) Anyone with Special Clearance has Authority over Everyone. Do not Question them and Do not Deny them Access to anything.
10) Special Clearance can only be Issued by the FL:PD Director and Must be Applied for using the Template at the bottom of this Page.
11) Once Accepted. If you have any questions. Talk to your head of Department (Via PM or IG) [If you dont have one. PM Me.]
12) You must address Higher Ranks as Sir.
13) In-Activity or Lack of Participation/Training may result in a demotion or Kick.

How to apply

What you need to be accepted:

At Least 30 Hours (Exceptions will be made for mature serious RPers)
To be a Serious RPer
To Agree to The Rules and to Listen to your Superiors
You must also fill in this application form:

[b]Steam ID:[/b]
[b]Steam name:[/b]
[b]Hours on server[/b]:
[b]Why you wish to join:[/b]
[b]IG Name:[/b]
[b]Current Main Car:[/b]
[b]Are you a Donator?[/b]
[b]Do you own a Suit?[/b]
[b]Department you wish to Join: [/b]
[b][u]Have you Read and Agree to Follow the rules? [/b][u]


List of Ranks.

This list is in order from Highest to Lowest.

Department Recognized Ranks (You can be Upgraded to a Gold Rank with Recommendation from your HOD)
[Image: 1rec.png] - Achieved by Joining the Department
[Image: 2pvt.png] - Promoted to when HOD Confirms you have completed Basic Training
[Image: 3pfc.png] - Promoted to this rank when HOD Feels you are ready.
[Image: 4gnrs.png] - At this rank you will receive the Password to the TeamSpeak room and the Private Clan forums.
[Image: 6lcpls.png] - Promoted to this rank because you have either: Contributed to the Clan well. Been in a lot of action or HOD Recommendation.
[Image: 10mcpls.png] - Promoted to this rank because you have either: Contributed to the Clan well. Been in a lot of action or HOD Recommendation.
[Image: 12sgts.png] - Promoted to this rank because you have either: Contributed to the Clan well. Been in a lot of action or HOD Recommendation.
[Image: 14msgts.png] - Promoted to this rank because you have either: Contributed to the Clan well. Been in a lot of action or HOD Recommendation.
[Image: 16sgtmjrs.png] - Promoted to this rank when becoming Senior Officer.
[Image: 18smoa.png] - Promoted to this rank when becoming HOD. (Decided by Major.)

FL:PD Recognized Ranks
[Image: 192lts.png] - HOD Only Rank. Achieved by Training your Officers and Holding /Attending Meetings.
[Image: 211lts.png] - HOD Only Rank. Achieved by Training your Officers and Holding /Attending Meetings.
[Image: 23cpts.png] - HOD Only Rank. Achieved by Training your Officers and Holding /Attending Meetings.
[Image: 26mjrg.png] - HOD Only Rank. Achieved by Training your Officers and Holding /Attending Meetings.
[Image: 27ltcols.png] - HOD Only Rank. Achieved by Training your Officers and Holding /Attending Meetings.
[Image: 29cols.png] - HOD Only Rank. Achieved by Training your Officers and Holding /Attending Meetings.
[Image: 31coms.png] - HOD Only Rank. Achieved by Training your Officers and Holding /Attending Meetings.
[Image: 35fms.png] - An a Award is Needed to Achieve this rank and Any Further.

Senior Command Ranks
[Image: 37brig.png] - Promoted to this rank by Supreme Commander or Lt. General.
[Image: 38mjrgen.png] - Promoted to this rank by Supreme Commander
[Image: 39ltgen.png] - Promoted to this rank Via a Senior Command Vote.
[Image: 40supcmdr.png] - Can Never Achieve this Rank.

Special Ranks

Special Operations Officer: [Image: 50px-LAPD_Police_Officer-3%2B1_-_Senior_...fficer.jpg]

S.W.A.T Team Leader: [Image: 60px-US-O6_insignia.svg.png]

FL:PD County Sheriff: [Image: 27px-1_STAR_.svg_copy.JPG]

List of Awards.

Medal of Extreme Bravery in the Interests of the Public: [Image: 55px-Medal_of_Honor_ribbon.svg.png]

Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal: [Image: 55px-Global_War_on_Terrorism_Expeditiona...on.svg.png]

Global War on Terrorism Service Medal: [Image: 55px-Global_War_on_Terrorism_Service_ribbon.svg.png]

Prisoner of War Medal: [Image: 55px-Prisoner_of_War_ribbon.svg.png]

Officer of the Week: [Image: 55px-Soldier%27s_Medal_ribbon.svg.png]

Officer of the Month: [Image: 55px-ResMedRib.svg.png]

Commanders Letter of Commendation: [Image: 55px-Commandant%27s_Letter_of_Commendati...on.svg.png]

Firearms Awards (Achieved by Weapons Training)

Directors Medal for Shooting Excellence: [Image: 60px-Queen%27s_Medal_for_Champion_Shots_...ribbon.png]

FL:PD Distinguished Pistol Shot: [Image: 55px-USCG_Distinguished_Pistol_Shot_Ribbon.png]

FL:PD Silver Pistol Excellence: [Image: 55px-USCG_Silver_Pistol_Shot_EIC_Ribbon.png]

FL:PD Bronze Pistol Excellence: [Image: 55px-USCG_Bronze_Pistol_Shot_EIC_Ribbon.png]

FL:PD Distinguished Marksman: [Image: 55px-USCG_Distinguished_Marksman_Ribbon.png]

FL:PD Silver Rifle Excellence: [Image: 55px-USCG_Silver_Rifle_EIC_Ribbon.png]

FL:PD Bronze Rifle Excellence: [Image: 55px-USCG_Bronze_Rifle_EIC_Ribbon.png]

One Time Only Awards

Valentines Day Event Medal: [Image: Trinket-Prestigious_naval_medal.png]

Important Dates, Meeting and Locations



Training Facility

Meeting Room


Whole FL:PD Meeting

Basic Training for Recruits - Every Sunday. 5PM GMT on V33. (Add ForceGhost for more Info)

Department Meetings

Head of Departments Meetings - Every Sunday 7PM GMT on V33. (If your a HOD and dont have me on Steam, Please add me ASAP.)

Wanted List's

Person Wanted List

Name: Unknown
Surname: Unknown
Wanted For: Unknown
Risk Level: Unknown
Known Area: Unknown
Known Associates: Unknown
Known Gangs: Unknown
Last Seen: Unknown
Known Occupation: Unknown
Aliases: Unknown
Note from FL:PD Director: Unknown

Organisation Wanted List (Clan War List)
[Image: question-mark-face.jpg]
Organisation Name: Unknown
Wanted For: Unknown
Leader: Unknown
Aggressive: Unknown
Risk Level: Unknown
Amount of Members: Unknown
Note from FL:PD Director: Unknown


FL:PD List of Officers (Clan Members Area)


Name: ForceGhost
ID: 001
Department: Top Brass.
Current Status: Active.
Awards: N/A
Position of Power within Department: Head of Department
Responsible to: N/A
Special Access Status: Not Activated
[Image: 40supcmdr.png]


Name: Aaronv909
ID: 003
Department: [Top-Brass]
Current Status: Active
Awards: N/A
Responsible to:  ForceGhost
Special Access Status: Not Activated
Rank Within Department:  
[Image: 39ltgen.png]


Name: [FL] Toby (Jason 'Toby' Halls)
ID: 015
Department: Senior Management
Current Status: Active
Awards: N/A
Responsible to: Aaronv909
Special Access Status: Not Activated
Rank Within Department:
[Image: 35m4ljn.png]


Name: [FL] Shadow
ID: 020
Department: Senior Management
Current Status: Active
Awards: N/A
Responsible to: Aaronv909
Special Access Status: Not Activated
Rank Within Department:
[Image: 192lts.png]

Name: ds.Squiggles [Staff] (Ethan "Squiggles" Dinkleburg)
ID: 005
Department: Highway Patrol and Traffic
Current Status: Active
Awards: N/A
Responsible to: Aaronv909
Special Access Status: Not Activated
Rank Within Department:
[Image: 207120p.png]


Name: [TB] Serpent Lord (Steve "Serpent" Gates)
ID: 006
Department: Counter-Terrorism and Special Operations Bureau
Current Status: Active
Awards: N/A
Responsible to: Aaronv909
Special Access Status: Not Activated
Rank Within Department:
[Image: 18smoa.png]


Name: DoDiDoFTW (Chang Lee)
ID: 011
Department: Crime Prevention Task Force
Current Status: Active
Awards: N/A
Responsible to:Aaronv909
Special Access Status: Not Activated
Rank Within Department:
[Image: 18smoa.png]


Name: [FL:RP] blusheep23 (Kenny 'Twinkie' Ellis)
ID: 009
Department: S.W.A.T
Current Status: Active
Awards: N/A
Responsible to: Steve "Serpent" Gates
Special Access Status: Not Activated
Rank Within Department:
[Image: 2pvt.png]


Name: [FL:RP] Twist (Czar Bilinskii)
ID: 017
Department: SWAT Team A
Current Status: Active
[Image: Trinket-Prestigious_naval_medal.png]
Responsible to: Aaronv909
Special Access Status: Activated
Rank Within Department:
[Image: 2pvt.png]


Name: Race.
ID: 012
Department: Crime Prevention Task Force
Current Status: Active
Awards: N/A
Responsible to: Chang Lee
Special Access Status: Not Activated
Rank Within Department:
[Image: 2pvt.png]


Name: Tears (Kanji "Tears" Lee)
ID: 013
Department:Crime Prevention Task Force.
Current Status: Active
Awards: N/A
Responsible to: Chang Lee
Special Access Status: Not Activated
Rank Within Department:
[Image: 2pvt.png]


Name: Sgt. T-ReX (Tony 'Rex' Hank)
ID: 015
Department: SWAT Team 1
Current Status: Active
Awards: N/A
Responsible to: Steve "Serpent" Gates
Special Access Status: Not Activated
Rank Within Department:
[Image: 2pvt.png]


Name: Hostage Jr (Hostage Jr)
ID: 002
Department: Highway Patrol and Traffic
Current Status: Active
Awards: N/A
Position of Power within Department: None
Responsible to: Ethan "Squiggles" Dinkleburg
Special Access Status: Not Activated
Rank Within Department:
[Image: 2pvt.png]


Name: [OUCH]Pacman (Unknown)
ID: 004
Department: Crime Prevention Task Force
Current Status: Active
Awards: N/A
Responsible to: Aaronv909
Special Access Status: Not Activated
Rank Within Department:
[Image: 1rec.png]


Name: [FL:RP]IRISHxMOFO (Aidan Paluch)
ID: 007
Department: Gang and Narcotics Division
Current Status: Active
Awards: N/A
Responsible to: Aaronv909
Special Access Status: Not Activated
Rank Within Department:
[Image: 1rec.png]


Name: [TSG Corp-SA-]Kazuki[NG] (Natsu Dragneil)
ID: 008
Department: Highway Patrol and Traffic Departmen
Current Status: Active
Awards: N/A
Responsible to:Ethan "Squiggles" Dinkleburg
Special Access Status: Not Activated
Rank Within Department:
[Image: 1rec.png]


Name: Major Cockles (James "Jimmy" Slade)
ID: 010
Department: Gang and Narcotics
Current Status: Active
Awards: N/A
Responsible to: Aaronv909
Special Access Status: Not Activated
Rank Within Department:
[Image: 1rec.png]


Name: [FL:RP] ZeroSupp-ort (Douglas Zero)
ID: 014
Department: Highway/Traffic Department
Current Status: Active
Awards: N/A
Responsible to:Ethan "Squiggles" Dinkleburg
Special Access Status: Not Activated
Rank Within Department:
[Image: 1rec.png]


Name: [FL:RP] Justin (Tim Jones)
ID: 018
Department: Highway Patrol and Traffic
Current Status: Active
Awards: N/A
Responsible to: Aaronv909
Special Access Status: Not Activated
Rank Within Department:
[Image: 1rec.png]


Name: AHBA400 (Mr.AHBA)
ID: 019
Department: SWAT Team B
Current Status: Active
Awards: N/A
Responsible to: Aaronv909
Special Access Status: Not Activated
Rank Within Department:
[Image: 1rec.png]


Name: Combine Buster (Issac Clarke)
ID: 020
Department: SWAT Team B
Current Status: Active
Awards: N/A
Responsible to: Aaronv909
Special Access Status: Not Activated
Rank Within Department:
[Image: 1rec.png]


Name: Combine Buster (Issac Clarke)
ID: 021
Department: Swat Team B
Current Status: Active
Awards: N/A
Responsible to: Aaronv909/Shadow
Special Access Status: Not Activated
Rank Within Department:
[Image: 1rec.png]


Name: [FL:RP] Prune (Mel Gusta)
ID: 022
Department: SWAT Team B
Current Status: Active
Awards: N/A
Responsible to: Aaronv909
Special Access Status: Not Activated
Rank Within Department:
[Image: 1rec.png]


Name: Imperial Sheep (yle Williams)
ID: 022
Department: Crime Prevention Task Force
Current Status: Active
Awards: N/A
Responsible to: Aaronv909
Special Access Status: Not Activated
Rank Within Department:
[Image: 1rec.png]


Name: [FL:RP] Saget (Jimmy Sinner)
ID: 023
Department: SWAT Team B
Current Status: Active
Awards: N/A
Responsible to: Aaronv909
Special Access Status: Not Activated
Rank Within Department:
[Image: 1rec.png]
[Image: Force_Ghost_Signature2.jpg]
How are you gonna do any RP if no one takes a hostage?
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:40601685&b=10]
(02-10-2012, 08:37 PM)Equalizer Wrote: How are you gonna do any RP if no one takes a hostage?

Training Exercise.. Standby for when there is one Smile
[Image: Force_Ghost_Signature2.jpg]
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:47353175
[b]Steam name:
Hostage Jr
Hours on server:185
RP points:1
[b]Any of our Courses you have been on:no
[b]Why you wish to join:Cause i want to join a clan that is real good at rping.I am a true role player
(02-10-2012, 09:20 PM)SomeGuy Wrote: Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:47353175
[b]Steam name:
Hostage Jr
Hours on server:185
RP points:1
[b]Any of our Courses you have been on:no
[b]Why you wish to join:Cause i want to join a clan that is real good at rping.I am a true role player

Add me on steam, We will run you through basic training tomorrow
[Image: Force_Ghost_Signature2.jpg]
Added YOU on steam.......

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:15542147
Steam name:Aaronv909
Hours on server:185'ish
RP points:0
Any of our Courses you have been on:None But many in the future I hope :3
Why you wish to join:It sounds very fun and a very good idea for a RP, , and I know the people in it are good rp'ers and I would like to RP with them.
The following 1 user Likes Aaronv909's post:
  • ForceGhost
Steam ID ST [b]Steam name:[OUCH]Pacman
[b]Hours on server
RP points:1
Any of our Courses you have been on:none
[b]Why you wish to join:this looks like a awsome rping clan and it is good becase i usally get taken hostage so you guys can help me
[b]Steam ID STEAM_0:0:34526102
The following 1 user Likes [FFC]Pacman's post:
  • Aaronv909
SomeGuy: Accepted.

Aaronv909: Accepted.

[OUCH]Pacific: Accepted.

Me or Virus will PM you the Clan Welcome pack... Smile
[Image: Force_Ghost_Signature2.jpg]
Extended the Clan.
[Image: Force_Ghost_Signature2.jpg]

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