Admins, please.
This is not a player report.
This is feedback, more like, just pouring my thoughts if anyone gives a damn, okay?

Where do I even start... you'd probably see me as a raging little person.., and it's fine, because i'm kinda upset over what happened, and how it never gets resolved.
Admins, are just, (not useless), but not helpful at the same time, you would think they are here to help you, but they're just busy with ignoring you. And don't come up and say "They are just simply RP'ing or busy" or "Admins are not going to help you the instant you ask for help like they are you servant." Because that's not what I'm pointing at, what I'm trying to say, that when I need them the most, they're just not there, they're online, and they were many of them, but not even one person could attend to a situation which fell under the RDA problem. 

I got randomly arrested for "Tresspassing", why? well, in the hospital building, there was that big room that I got inside of, afterwards, the doctor locked the door, so I couldn't get out from the room, I yelled for the police to help me as if I was being kidnapped to be his experimental human subject or whatever, but instead, when the doctor just gave up because he was scared from the police he opened the door and guess what, next thing the officer tells me to stick to the wall and then handcuffs me instead of helping me get out safely, at that time ,I was like "Alright, I'll listen to him, I'll do as he says, I'll let him search me aswell" but then he decided that I should be arrested for "TRESSPASSING". When? Why? how? How was I trespassing? I literally got kidnapped, after I tried explaining that to the officer he still arrested me and when I tried contacting the admins through OOC since "@" was very useless and none of them 2 admins and 1 superadmins were careful enough to help me, and I got told to deal with it "IC".

How? just how do you deal with this IC? I was falsely arrested for 5 minutes, and when I was released I came back to the officer and tried explaining him what he did wrong he arrested me for another 10 minutes, sorry, but I'm pissed about it,  It's just that none of the admins gives the impression that they care, because, obviously, they don't, they just sit quietly...
Record your gameplay, be descriptive in your @ calls and most importantly, have patience.

That's the only advice I can give you.
[Image: mEVbpdN.png]
Thanks to Envy for the signature.
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Hello NevoH72,

Thank you for sharing your concerns, we appreciate it. Whilst you may seem frustrated with the arrest, there are many ways in which you could deal with this situation In Character. For example, You can use commands such as /request <followed by your concerns>, or you could also roleplay perhaps hiring a Lawyer (I heard there is a great Law Firm Group on FL) that will deal with your issue In Character, you could also just simply try roleplaying as a Prisoner itself, you can use the command /stayjail which will allow you to stay in Jail without the burden of vanishing when your timer is up, I know that a few players often do JailRP as it is fun to be a Caught Criminal.

As for your tresspassing concern, Whilst the Mercy Side Hospital is not owned by the Government, Paramedics spawn there, and so perhaps they were roleplaying with the Doctor at that time, in which if you walked in without approval, or being vetted by a Paramedic or Doctor, you were indeed tresspassing, you could always use this situations as a way to roleplay, perhaps use /me and /it to roleplay your paranoia of being a test subject. In conclusion, if you feel that you have been arrested for no reason or feel like your RP has turned in a different direction as you were expecting, perhaps just go with the flow, I find that you will enjoy it more if you don't think of it in an Out of Character manner. Hope I helped giving some advice Smile

- Create
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The thing with FL there is nothing stopping you from being 'randomly arrested'. It happens and you literally just have to deal with it. Not IC or with admins, just suck it up. People can get away with randomly arresting you easily, I rarely see anybody actually getting punished for it. Admins don't usually respond to a "random arrest" call. RDA just isn't a thing on fearless like it is on darkRP. Admins do usally look at the situation invisible when you call them, and most the time the situation looks fine. And if it is a "random arrest" you just have to deal with it unfortunately.
Btw, Sorry for the way I wrote what I thought, Yes, I was just frustrated.

And I could tell you for sure, the doctor was not roleplaying with any other officer, that, I know for a fact, it's just things you can tell without thinking twice about ya know? But I dislike waiting 15 min for nothing. It's kinda hard (but possible) to "go with the flow", because I wanted to play, not wait 15 min, but whatever, It's already behind me and it can't be helped, I just wish at least for the admins to say something about them being busy or just I don't know, It's way better when you get a response telling you that the person will help you deal with it later, instead of being rubbed off, and left without an answer. You feel like you're alone in the situation.

As for what Yonno said, define "patience" which I had for 10 minutes and was still left without anyone to help me, but nevermind that, It would feel like using "@" is 80% of the times useless. Some admins are responding almost instantly, and that, I gotta respect a lot, but that 80% of the times is just frustrating for other people to deal with, I didn't record it, ok, so that's why I have the admins for? maybe? they're not under my control to help me anytime I wish, but it's just difficult to deal with... And no, I'm NOT basing the whole "80% of the time" just by 1 single time that I did not get an answer from an admin. I based it on many previous situations which I never bothered to talk about since I could deal with it at the time, but it's difficult when the situation is repeating itself..

Hey yo, thanks for the reply though. it's nice to see people who actually care, even a bit ;3 .
Naturally take the word "patience" with a grain of salt.

Ultimately, it would be amazing if every single @ call could get handled and dealt with, some get lost for whatever reason.
Many different situations aren't optimal for direct admin help though, an example being CDM, or any other activity not happening live, in this case presumably a random arrest that happened a few moments ago.

Without any logs it can be hard to obtain evidence as an administrator, and administrators can not take someone's word for what happened.

So yes, as administrators are also human and cannot be everywhere at the same time (not condoning whatever the reason is they are not responding to an @ call), it is optimal to make use of recording software as you can then keep the servers clean together with the staff team. I do understand your frustrations however, and I too wish it would be easier in practice.
[Image: mEVbpdN.png]
Thanks to Envy for the signature.
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Alrighty then, I should thank you for taking your time and actually responding, that at least what makes me happy to see.
And uh, this thread could be closed/moved, or anything, because, I've practically got what I came for; someone to shed his opinion/thoughts.
Fact is though the only reason staff do not deal with arrest @ calls is because there are a lot of them and most of the time certain staff members can’t be arsed and are too lazy, they then claim ALL “arrests are ic” which obviously is bull.

It’s a good thing you made this thread and more people should take it as an example instead of posting messages defending the staff members involved, it’s ridiculous.
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(05-24-2018, 11:08 PM)Jan Wrote: Fact is though the only reason staff do not deal with arrest @ calls is because there are a lot of them and most of the time certain staff members can’t be arsed and are too lazy, they then claim ALL “arrests are ic” which obviously is bull.

It’s a good thing you made this thread and more people should take it as an example instead of posting messages defending the staff members involved, it’s ridiculous.

The quality and effort put in by the staff team nowerdays is poor.

Its ultimately not acceptable with a couple of them, i ultimately believe some of them don't care about the server and just keep the rank for the power and ego.

I can talk about many examples of piss poor situations can even upload footage just let me find it and upload it. Its embarrassing and needs sorting, the problems starts from the roots maybe its the SA's but if they're lazy then the staff team have an excuse to be.

I have reason to believe a SA is lazy but then many factors play into it. So I'm not jumping the gun i was just talking sense if your higher ups are lazy you will be lazy to.

[Image: PywvXUS.gif]
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first of all thank you for making an thread about it. First of all, I can only tell you that admins are only persons and not robots. Admins have so much I know many call`s, that means that if only one admin is online it can be that he overlooks some call`s. Let's get to arrest. If you get arrested unjustly, you have to report to the President. Arrest is an IC situation, which means admins can't do much against you getting arrested. Even if there's no reason.
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