cooldown timer that you can see
Title of suggestion: cooldown timer that you can see

Description: cooldown timer that you can see when can make next shipment medkits/ammo/kevlar and so on

Why: so won't spam the console just to check how long need to wait 

 it can show me in the bottom right/left corner
[Image: zypxjb7.jpg]
Quite useful.

[Image: xTRvpSf.png]
[Image: ETQjSgL.jpg]
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Good idea, there should also be an option to disable it - eg " /toggletimer "

Why not?
Kind Regards,
Fearless Donator
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Feel free to +Rep me here
(04-20-2018, 09:08 AM)Ethan Bradberry Wrote: +support

Good idea, there should also be an option to disable it - eg " /toggletimer "
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