⦿ FDD|Builds (Buy, Order dupes!)

By continuing, you accept the terms and conditions above.

* = required

Order dupe
So you want to order an already made dupe? Just fill out the template below!

-Order dupe-

Request dupe
Request a dupe to be made by us. Fill out the template and we will get started as soon as possible!
-Request dupe-
*What is it:
*Describe it:
*Max props:
Preferred location:
Picture(of how you like it):

Apply for work
Fill below to apply for work.
-Apply for work-
*Tell us about yourself:
*Some of your work:

Look down below to see the dupes!

Generation Wrote:Good day, everyone.

I’m just dropping by to make an official statement that yes, we have approved Fearless Design Den Builds and yes, we will be pursuing players that do not pay back their debt and/or that don’t respect the Terms and Conditions. If needed we will resort to banning the players for scamming and/or removing the dupe(s) from their account. This wouldn't happen instantly, obviously, but if after sufficient warning (depending on the situation) no action is taken to return the debt the above actions will be taken.
[Image: htIXCSw.png]
Order a dupe from our large Collection.
We currently have 17 dupes.
More dupes will follow.

Dupes made by Joe Joe Blinks

Spoiler :
Ice Cream Parlour - $33.000

Doctors Stand - $23.000

Dupes made by Sparx

Spoiler :
Taxi Service RP - $40.000

Dupes made by Balls

Spoiler :
Rebel Rock base - $38.000

Gun Store - $15.000

Modern House Crossing the Road - $45.000

Normal Modern House - $28.000

Caravan - $50.000

Chinese House - $40.000

Small Modern House - $40.000

Mobile Command Center - $45.000

Spoiler :

Old House - $25.000

Amusement Park ride - $30.000

Vehicle Trailer - $25.000

Large Crane - $45.000

Scissor Lift - $30.000

Ball Game - $25.000

Oh bollocks... I lost my Signature!

Spoiler :
[V] = Payment completed 
[-]  = Payment not completed  
[X] = Not paid in time(charged for scamming)

Name:       SteamID:       Amount:       Dupe Number/Request:        Last payment date:

Xtremefighter - STEAM_0:0:44636092 ($153.000) (September 19th) [V] 
Zambie - STEAM_0:1:46157497 ($45.000) (October 23th) [V]
PvtMcNuggets - STEAM_0:1:32774890 ($116.000) (October 22th) [V]*User Banned from all FDD services*
Blade - STEAM_0:0:186826696 ($100,000) (Request) ( October 26th) [V] 
Blade - STEAM_0:0:186826696 ($65,000) ( November 8th) [V]
ArnyDaHamster - STEAM_0:0:56400266 ($40,000) (September 19th) [V]
JohannesNeo - STEAM_0:1:84167728 ($40,000) (September 19th) [V]
ArnyDaHamster - STEAM_0:0:56400266 ($25,000) (November 17th) [V]
Jonas - STEAM_0:0:43066753 ($95,000) (February 12th) [V]
Dauntless - STEAM_0:1:51623589 ($15,000) (February 16th) [V]
IBRAHIM - STEAM_0:1:75745615 ($70,000) (Request) (February 17th) [V]
ELAD - STEAM_0:0:108821555 ($45,000) (Request) (February 18th) [V]
dawson270500 - dawson270500 ($18,000) (February 18th) [V]
IBRAHIM - STEAM_0:1:75745615 ($150,000) (March 2nd) (Request)[V]
[DPA] Blaze - STEAM_0:1:104531418 ($25,000) (March 6th) (Dupe #25)[V]
Marvin - STEAM_0:0:36128059 ($30,000) (March 21th) (Dupe #9)[V]
Dauntless - STEAM_0:1:51623589 ($63,000) (March 29th) (Dupe #6 #14)[V]
Loco in Acapulco - STEAM_0:1:92561442 ($15,000) (March 31th) (Dupe #7)[V]
TheRealSparks - STEAM_0:1:82042340 ($45,000) (April 5th) (Dupe #13)[V]
tug - STEAM_0:1:42221590 ($45,000) (April 5th) (Dupe #13)[V]
Fango - STEAM_0:0:59688759 ($40,000) (April 28th) (Request) [V]
[FL:RP] Grizzly - STEAM_0:0:84941122 ($50.000) (April 28th) (Request) [V]]

Oh bollocks... I lost my Signature!
Is there a template for applying for a job?
Time to start up the old cement mixer!
[Image: xTRvpSf.png]
The following 1 user Likes Captain Barry's post:
  • Ratatoskrr
Amazing SirNarc! Good luck Smile
Kind regards,
Fearless Donator
-Apply for work-
*Name: [FL:RP]Blade
*SteamID: God damnit I'm on my phone get it later
*Tell us about yourself: Yo I'm [FL:RP]Blade. I started FL 1month ago and have 40hours. I am surprisingly good at building and am a nice friendly guy to be around. I'm pretty precice with my builds aswell and feel pretty happy when building because building for me is fun and enjoyable and its not something I feel I HAVE to do its something I want to do.
*Some of your work: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/fi...=781291557
Age:13 soon to be 14
Oh so it's meant for showing my builds.
Invade a problem with the camer and screenshots but u can tKe a screen shot of a build I made.
Looks great, amazing idea!
Price lowered!

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