Report: [FL:RP] FragSlayaHD; possibly [FL:RP] sebasti161
I do not remember anything about an advert being sent that we wouldn't accept any offer.
Also we said don't come in our the president does and you came in which is fearRP. Also not long after I was president I changed to citizen because I broke the rule just before the server crashed
You could surrender yourselves as we were coming in. It was FearRP for you guys as you obviously had knives and also torturing the Pres is an immediate break-in for the SWAT where as torture could result in death (irl) You could surrender and told us not to shoot instead you simply killed the Pres and technically commited suicide by doing that. You knew you wouldn't survive yet you killed the President but you could allow us to arrest you.
I was the who had a knife, FragSlaya was the guy that had the gun when you broke in. Ofcourse we wouldn't surrender if you break in. We would've killed the president, and is what we did.
As for fear to for the hostage the video shows no demands just adverts saying come find the president at 1:32 we hear a yell from the president saying oww obviously this showed us he was being harmed and then we heard you killing the president and we then break in. We never stepped onto your owned property before the president was killed the door we entered by was unviewable and unownable. As you had taken the president and made no clear demands but come find him multiple times by advert we chose to do exactly that find him, we met your demands of finding him and for doing such you killed him, doesn't make much sense in my eyes but none the less when the president was killed we broke in took down sebasti and attempted to take down fragslaya whom changed job to avoid death. A case could also be made that your intentions were to kill the president and take his job all along.

12 seconds into the video we see a request from you guys saying the president has been hostages - come find him.

These are demands from you asking us to find him so killing him for us following your demands could be interpreted as RDM.
Brennan that request wasn't from us that was the president's husband telling you to find his wife. That wasn't us asking you to come and find her
My apologies video quality isn't great but anyway you where adverting it and we still didn't enter on your property. No demands can be seen from your side in the video so I would still class killing the president while attempting negotiations as RDM. And even if you did tell us to stay away we had no clue where to stay away from and it would be FailRP for the police force to abandon the president. We waited ages for demands on your side and got none so we attempted a rescue mission which didn't go to plan.

Now back OT after admitting so yourself and the video evidence this report shows you clearly changing job to avoid an RP situation either your death or arrest.

Also if you think that any of us broke the rules I would recommend that you file a report with valid evidence as this video shows no demands or warnings from you telling us to stay away.
I yelled that you should stay away, when I knew you were there. At the length away from the door, we could not hear any mics so we were not able to hear anything you said in that room. Then you proceed to get an arrest warrant on me so I kill the president since I knew you were coming in.
[Image: e5bf68204644a67fc15ab6cd327926a2.png]

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