Make 'Rams' destroy contraband.
[Image: B1ry4Eh.png]
Have I helped? Well you could always Rep meh!
+ support but you should still be able to destroy contraband with guns also
                                 Sincerely, Himalaya Eater       
[Image: wallpaper_far_cry_4_01.jpg]
Thought I would bump this. I feel that this would be a valuable addition to the server still.

I was involved in a situation in V33X earlier, in which an officer destroying contraband caused the whole government to respond to a 'gunfight' call at the corleone village. Needless to say, many a person was annoyed.

A more fitting signature. 
stupid signature keeps breaking
+Support - Much more realistic and would reduce team damage.
Once I actually got killed because a lot of cops were in this tiny room all attempting to destroy contra at once.

[Image: fearless_signature2.png]

Click HERE to see the best sh*t ever!


This actually happens to me allot when RPing in the government, at least if you shoot contra as a Cop/SWAT it would say in the radio like when you taze someome. Ex "I have destroyed a drug lab" etc.

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