Losing my car
Simple question really...

If I log out without driving my car onto the garage space, will I lose it? I'm worried as I have ran out of fuel here and I can's afford a fuel can atm.

Thanks Cheese
No, you won't. However, do not reconnect to get your car back or refill it/fix it etc, its against the rules. If you're seriously that bad for cash, add me on steam [TG] [FL:RP] LivKX and I'll give you 10k to get you going if it means you wont break the rules.
No you won't lose it but do not reconnect to the server to get your car back. If you just want to log off the server as usual then it's ok.
                                 Sincerely, Himalaya Eater       
[Image: wallpaper_far_cry_4_01.jpg]
I didn't reconnect; I ran around the area for a bit to get the cash for a fuel tank thing Cheese
No, if you log off, your car goes back into your inventory, But don't reconnect to get your car back tho, As its not allowed.

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