Sick and Tired: Jokhah
My name is Jokhah, former administrator for Fearless RP.  I will be the topic of discussion in this thread.  Please stay on topic.

A little back story, I joined here sometime in OCT 2012 I wanna take a guess at.  I'm sure my profile would definately tell you the fact on that.  Was a BMD most those days, selling stuff and growing weed, pretty aggressive in general.  Eventually was offered two things I wanted here.  A spot in SAA, and a spot on the team.  Started as a moderator, took minges head on with a vengence.  Eventually was promoted to administrator, continued to do the job.  Ended up taking it too far and started taking jabs at other staff members, devs, and eventually Soul.  Now to be fair, I was probably wrong here and there when it came to those jabs, but in a few cases I feel that I honestly should have swung harder.  Lets face it, not all of the former staff here were looking out for the best interests of the community.  Almost all of these situations were conducted behind the scenes where the players couldn't see and have no real information about them.  Soul did what he felt was best and removed me from the team.  I left the community for a bit to go elsewhere, never once doing anything that was harmful or in any way to against this community.

During my time away, I helped with issues that this community had against myself, people around me, and even took steps to help protect this community from some of the troubles headed this way.  None of that information will be released, don't ask for it because the answer is no.  I eventually returned.  Since my return I've generally given up aggressive RP, have a better understanding of the balances that must be juggled, and even watched as some players intentionally set things in motion so that they can exploit or take advantage of others.  Now I never let this slide and tend to get into debates with said players over their abusive use of loopholes to gain a much unneeded advantage.  I personally use loopholes to promote passive rp or to assist players in general.  One such loophole is there is an unwritten rule about how you can only play what your playermodel represents.  To elaborate, pet RP was considered fail RP, child RP sometimes was considered fail RP.  I used a loophole and created a dupe to hide my playermodel inside, and became a vending machine.  This RP is glorious not because I have stepped out of the "rules", but because the creativeness I used has opened a door for other players to use to step outside the norm.  No I am not asking for praise, I'm just pointing out that there is a difference between exploiting for gain and exploiting for good.  In a sense, both of our sides are wrong for using loopholes, but I feel that most people can understand that one is not harmful where the other is.

That all being said, you now have an idea of who your talking to, if not, I'm basically a reformed professional murderer (on the server in an RP sense).  Ask anyone who had to deal with the old me if you need more.  Ask Grub, who was definately concerned allowing me into the SAA because I was too aggressive.  Or don't.  Lets get to the actual topic now.

Since my demotion I have been treated like the bad guy.  Funny enough most of this doesn't stem from the staff here, but from the players.  People have stated that I just come here to cause problems.  People have prejudged me because I was demoted even though they really don't know anything about the situation.  People have talked down to me because I wasn't around for a time and they have 200 or however many hours.  Finally, people have just talked massive trash because I was the admin that caught them breaking the rules and they feel slighted against because they couldn't treat the community with just enough respect not to break the rules.

I have been accused of many things.  Rulebreaking, minging, just trying to start problems, ToS violations, attempting to copy FL, cheating, using admin powers for personal gain, you name it.  I stand by my ban record.  Just one ban there.  There were about 4 bans total.  1 Ban was an admin joke (hey ban steam id, which was mine, for blank)  1 ban was completely onesided (still don't miss Ruxandra), 1 ban was a misunderstanding where the admin allowed himself to be blinded by logs without really considering the situation, and the last ban still sits there because I was still new and didn't have any supporting evidence to back my case (even though the ban is completely wrong) and I have to live with that one.  So I've beaten 3/4 bans, not too shabby.

Now I've been stomaching this situation for a while.  I've had some life changing events that have ended up making me a better person in the end.  Changed my ways.  Why do I still generate so much hate against me?  Why am I the bad guy by default?  What have I honestly done that makes this reputation stick to me?  It's bad enough that I have to live with the fact that I was demoted, that I messed up and can't fix it, but all the extra grief from people who honesly HAVE NO IDEA what the situation was get to judge me on the soul basis that I was demoted?  That so and so said so?  Funny enough one of the groups of people that I really really do not like, that I helped with some admin cases of bias against, gets to now say that I'm the bad guy.  Even though I proved to be one of TWO admins out of the team willing to even hear them out.  That even while all of this has been going on I still quietly try to help protect this community and report issues to the team.  Never stopped looking out for the interests of this community.  Still help players both old and new with various tasks from RP, building, rule education, and giving away free stuff to the needy when I am averagely below the accepted average wallet and inventory of a player with one third of my hours.

When does this end?  When do I get to go back to being a normal player here?  When can I expect to just play this game on the server I want to play on without feeling like I'm treated like a tumor?

I suffer from a very common side effect of a real life career decision I made when I was younger.  I have PTSD.  I live with it every day.  When I was an administrator it was extremely bad because at that time I didn't even know it was tearing my world apart.  Recently I've started flipping the script on that issue and have been fighting back against it.  Fighting to go back to being more "normal".  It's hard to face the demons that stalk after you, anyone who has had to do it would understand clearly.  Part of me confronting my demons is going to have to be dealing with issues that have yet to be resolved.  Since I do have a spine injury, I end up with a lot of time for video games.  I am overweight now.  I don't do much anymore in my life because of the choices I made when I was younger.  What I can do is say enough to something that has gone on much longer then it should.  I am not and never was an enemy of this community.  I have never done anything that I haven't felt was in the best interest of it.  I may not have always been right, but I am a man and can admit I was wrong some of the time.  I apologize to those whom I have had a negative impact on and to this community for whatever it feels I have done to bring it harm.  I do, however, challenge all of the haters to present the reason for their hate.  Bring to the table whatever you feel makes me the bad guy and we can address it.  Sadly I already know that most of them will have NOTHING to bring to the table.  That they will realize that the judgement they have placed on me has no basis.  Hell, if you just want me to leave the community, just state that and your reasoning behind it.  If you have anything with real weight, I'll listen and address it.  Be warned though, if you have something that you did to deserve it, I'm all out of sugar and will be extremely clear why you have earned what your getting.

With all of that said, I open the floor.  Lets end the hate.
I wanna be honest here.

The stories and rumors that has been told of you are all bad. Why? I dunno. When I joined as a new member of fearless I broke some rules on the forum. You enforced the rules by reporting me and that was for the only good. I spoke to Drogas and everything went fine. Now I weren't there in your administrating time but I've been told who you were and what you did. For some reason so much hate has been thrown at you and it's hitting the limit were I fell bad for you. I personally have nothing against you. You act upon actions as they are and confront the players with a positive language and a normal tone. That's how I fell about you and that's all I've seen from you. I don't want it to sound stupid or/and pity but all in all you look and sound like a great guy, Jokhah. I really fell bad for all this sh*t that has been thrown at you and I wanna apologize for myself. I haven't shown hatred but I might have toned it out somehow from times to times.

With all respect. You're a really good guy. I think you're amazing and I see no reason for other members not to think so. Stay cool meanwhile people realize who you really are, and not for what people who thinks knows you are.

I cannot speak for players that might now more about you than I do. The players that don't know you though. Don't set your hate at Jokhah before taking some time to know him. Nobody bites without a reason. I sure hell don't think Jokhah will do.

Cheers, I'll see you around Jokhah.
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I cannot say that I personally have met anyone that has directed hate towards you or shown me that so I haven't felt any of that directed hatred but reading this put me in a bad mood, not because I feel your seeking attention but the fact that somebody doesn't feel belonging in the FL community, a community that is open to everyone no matter your age or any other factors. Like Bowie I never met you beforehand but from my experience with you I can say you are a genuine guy, lovely in fact, you waited an extra 10-15 minutes before leaving the server so people could check out the vending machine dupe you made in which you did extremely well. I have now seen many dupes around the server that are vending machines from people I saw entering and checking out your dupe, just for everyone it's called a community for a reason, we are all interested in roleplay and that is what we are here for. To feel so much hate from a number of people in a large community is horrible and bickering, rumour spreading and fighting is not going to help anyone, especially someone who (from what he has stated above) made an improvement from what I have seen recently from him.

That is all, thank you.

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When I first joined FL 2-3 years back, when I was still young, you were the admin that I enjoyed seeing doing things like helping players and dealing with all the dirty works that minges left behind; honestly you were my hero back then and YOU were the first one who gave me a RP point for something that you believed that the RP I did was good and should of been rewarded. The admin that I hated the most was Narcotic. He was the bad guy and the s**t I wanted to punched.
I joined this community way after you, a few months before your "veteran tag" thread actually. When i saw that thread i did some digging on a boring sunday afternoon and found some threads about your demotion and threads related to that. I came to the conclusion that you went out of line, got demoted for it and wanted revenge ever since. Dont ask me why but that is the conclusion i took from reading a few threads on these forums. My "first impression" was enforced by the fact that i only saw you on the forums, and let me be honest, you can be blunt on here. Those "first impressions" didnt make me dislike you but gave me the idea that you arent the nicest guy around here.

A while back i met you on the servers and saw you doing your "food machine" RP, i actually lol'ed (had'nt seen that before and i thought it was a pretty cool RP) and had a nice talk with you and i noticed youre actually a nice guy. Ive put my first impressions aside and changed my conclusion, youre a nice guy in my books as far as i know you.

Unfortunatly first impressions stick around for quite long and are hard to put aside, thats just how the human brain works. As far as im concerned you dont deserve the hate you apperantly get because ive seen you helping others out and doing nice RP's. Try to not bother to much about other peoples opinions because in the end, people who jugde you on only your bad things arent worth worrying about, at least thats how i see it!
My first encounter of you was when you and me did this parkour thing at cubs when you were a mod. You were really cool and I hope you are as cool, still (haven't really seen you lately). Can't really see why you'd be hated. Those who/if hate you due to the demotion I feel are just shallow.
Kind Regards,

I can respect your original opinion. At the time of my demotion I was definately upset and took a good lash at the forces that be. It's also true that I can be extremely blunt with people. I'm glad that after the fact we got a chance to meet and you can see the difference between then and now.

@Any future posters

This isn't about attention in terms of tell me you like me, it's about getting the attention from those that have caused me to feel how I feel about it. The whole point of this discussion is for those people to come to me with the issues so they can be resolved. I'm just trying to either find peace while I play here, or to allow them to finally force me out.
When I first met you was when we were on teamspeak, you somewhat scared me due to the fact that you shouted at me but it was for a good reason because I asked a question which I should of never asked (I shall not repeat it) but once that passed you were a good lad and I enjoyed working with you when you was a Head Agent in the S.A.A.- People just base stuff off rumors it's probably like Chinese whispers it's been said so many times the story has changed.

I was told about one of the reasons (unsure if there's others) for your demotion, I don't think it was fair in some kind of manner because you did help get something implemented.

Always remember: Haters gonna hate Wink
Literally just ignore everyone that speaks bad about you.

I appreciate your reply and I'm sorry if I came off a bit rough when you asked the question. As for ignoring, I can't do that any longer as that has proven to be extremely ineffective at this point. The problem has persisted for long enough and I'm hoping at least one of those haters that loves to give me the love comes forward. I ignore the death threats I get because they are obviously BS and even if they did come for me, they'd have to actually be half decent and have a plan, considering my head issues include me making regular sweeps of both the interior and exterior of my house to the point that the neighborhood asks me if I found any (insert racial slur here) this time.

I'm seeing a shrink now, man. He says I need to address any and all unresolved issues before I can move forward in life. At this point I'm just trying to sort out if I can actually resolve this issue or do I need to just cut it from my life.
Jokhah.. Believe it or not but when I first joined you were one of my role models. I honestly don't see anything wrong with you. And I hate it that the player base would be harassing you like this, and honestly I find it unacceptable. I respected you before, and I still respect you. You will always have my respect. And I'm sure a lot of players here feel the same way. If you ever need someone to hang out with or even just someone to talk to, you can talk to me if that means anything. I know I'm not really good at that stuff but it's worth a shot. No player should be targeted in such a manner and I find it rather disturbing that someone would be tormented to the point of putting a thread up like this. I also joined in 2012, and I got some hate as well, but not enough for me to have to do something like this..

I don't hate you, in fact I respect you a lot. And so should the rest of the players, they should respect everyone.

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