Unblacklist Request
Your name: HodasBoyZ (In-game Hodas Ringlemen)

Your blacklist ID: 43405

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:61999469

Reason: Running over Venom.

Staff member who blacklisted you: [FL] Vauld

Reason why you should be unblacklisted: That evening when that happened, I was drunk and yes did it on purpose back then. I learned the lesson and it was stupid to do so. Why should I be unblacklisted from Vehicles is that I love being Paramedic, I hear the call of that in Roleplaying and having Vehicle by my side to travel longer distances makes this much more better Roleplaying and for other players too that I can get to crash sites in time. I am very sorry for the trouble I made and I will take the judgement as it is and will take if not unblacklisted. Thank you for your time reading this, Staff.

Edited Staff member who banned
Fill this out correctly, I didn't blacklist you.

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