What is threatening you and why should we save you?: My Long Lost Brother is a part of the Corleone Family he doesn't like me being normal and wishes i joined him. Him and his Corleone Family have Kidnapped me and a few others and have me hostage (I'm a ok driver have a BMW and Tides Truck , I guess i can build a bit but want to learn more tool gun stuff)
Age: 21
Name: Dan Blurr
Previous Employers(if any): Due to Inactive to Gary's Mod and FL no.
OOC Information I'm Half English and Half Indian i live in the UK and play FL a bit now but use spare time to play Xbox or do Homework or go to School
Steam Name: [FL:RP] Blurr
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:68019350
Age: 15
Bans(if any/be honest we will check): 5
Blacklists(if any/be honest we will check): 0 (I think)
Time on the Server: 268 Hours
RP points(if any) 0
I will get Adam to look at your application when he next gets on Orange! Cheese
Which im afraid will take some time, i recently installed Win8.1 so now i have to download My Gmod, Css, And HL2 again so i can get back on Fearless... Obviously didnt think about that when i started updating...

Congratulations [FL:RP] Blurr you have been accepted for a Meeting, we can arrange a time when i get everything up and running again!
[Image: B1ry4Eh.png]
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Thank you for Accepting me can i hold my meting position i have a clan called Pukka Gang that i want to check out Smile
Sure Blur just message Adam on steam for when you are free Smile
Right i have everything properly up and running again, so feel free to message me on the forums or on steam and we can set up a date
[Image: B1ry4Eh.png]
Have I helped? Well you could always Rep meh!
'' set up a date'' You cheating on me bro?
Fine arrange a meeting, better smiling?
[Image: B1ry4Eh.png]
Have I helped? Well you could always Rep meh!
Oh you lads
Can all current members send me a private message on the forums so i can make a list (i know its not many at the moment and i think i know everyone but im forgettful and want to make sure i have everyone)
[Image: B1ry4Eh.png]
Have I helped? Well you could always Rep meh!

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