Unban Request (Crikit)
Your name: Crikit

Your ban ID: 42650
Banned by: [FL] Vauld

Reason: I threatened to DDOS another player not knowing how serious it was. ( I don't know how to )

Involved: OztinCloud

Why we should unban you: (A motivation why we should unban you, or why your ban should be shortened)

I was recently banned for threatening to DDOS a player by the name of OztinCloud, which I am sure I completely deserved the ban after thinking about it for a while and am truly sorry. I had no Idea how serious DDOS threats are, and let alone I don't know how to do them. My actions were completely from the heat of the moment. Everyone has those moments when they want someone to just leave them alone, and I was not thinking. The gun dealer who was arguing with me wouldn't let me talk, and that is simply irritating no matter who you are. I love playing fearless very much, in fact it is the only server I play on garry's mod. I have made many friends in the time I have played and would very much hate for all of it to go to waste. If you guys could please consider at lease giving a lift date on my ban I would be very thankful. I have never been banned for something so serious on any server ever. I promise I will never threaten to DDOS any one again, like I said I did not know how serious of a matter it was. I am sorry for raising my voice to the point where I had to be muted, but once again I am sorry.

Now. I got an @ call telling me someone was threatning the player to DDOS him. I teleported to the player, and didn't hear the full story, but what i did hear was the player saying "Then DDOS me then", to which you responded "Ok, give me one second". Now. At this point, i instantly contacted a fellow staff member to consult with him how i should proceed. While i was talking to him, i could hear both of you arguing in the background, and you telling him several times to "shut the fuck up". Now. At this point, i because hard to focus and do my job, so i muted the both of you, and told you to shut up. The fellow staff member then checked the log, and after i told what i witnessed, decided to perma ban you. Now, after you were ban, you then started writing to be explaining how the ban was "Bullshit". Now, my first reaction to this was "delete him", which i did, due to safety reasons.

Now. After seeing this, and your sincere apology, i will consult with Vauld to see if we think you deserve to have your ban shorten from a permanent or not.
I am very sorry Zed for blowing up your steam and can see while it will take deep consideration, please understand it was out of frustration.
I have discussed this case with Vauld, and because of your honest regret towards what you did and your prior history, we have decided to shorten the ban to 1 month. However. We do not want to see anything like this happen ever again, frustrated or not. Frustration is not an excuse.

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