[Bug] Arrests not properly executed
Title of Bug: Arrests not getting executed properly.

Description: It seems that today in particular people don't get teleported to their cells properly, they get teleported into a wall between 2 cells or don't get teleported at all and walk around the city in their jail clothing. This happened to me aswell and I got stuck inside the wall between 2 cells and couldn't get out.
[Image: template.png]
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I saw this while RPing as a cop the other day. Pulled over a guy for drunk driving and eventually arrested him but all he did was change clothes. We got a kick out of it but it does need to be fixed.
I think it is because the Jail spawns were changed yesterday due to a rp going on where the prisoners had to be prisoned in a different location.
(08-17-2013, 04:50 PM)DaCrowh Wrote: I think it is because the Jail spawns were changed yesterday due to a rp going on where the prisoners had to be prisoned in a different location.

Not sure if this could have made the problem bigger, but this seems to be occurring randomly and is very annoying.
This happens when an admin changes the jail location as I was on when the admins changed it but they still get teleported to the jail location it just takes a moment.

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