Giant Pony
Your name: Giant Pony

Your ban ID: This was not in the bans section because it was a ban from teamspeak so there is no number.

Banned by: [FL] Grub

Reason: "Disrespect to admins, Calling Fultzy Flutzy"

Involved: [FL] Fultzy and [FL] Grub there were also some other people in the channel.

Why we should unban you: So today on the teamspeak server everyone was joking around i called Fultzy flutzy as i do sometimes just for fun. He told me that if i were to call him flutzy one more time it would be permanent. So i refrained from calling him flutzy to not get banned but about 10 minutes later i was moved to Grubs channel where i said "Americas economy is toilet" and "9/11 was a bad thing" Grub then responded by saying "Ohhhhhh, wait i have something to give you.... Why dont you take some time off." i was then banned for a year for the reason You are banned temporarily. Reason: "Disrespect to admins, Calling Fultzy Flutzy" The ban i recieved was for a year. And also i would like to take responsibility for my immature acts that took place before the ban. However, once i was given the warning i stopped and carried on being myself.
You were warned by everyone in our channel if you go up and make a joke about something anti American to Grub you could get banned and you wanted to anyway. And then you got banned. So I dont know what you are expecting here.
But when i said that grub seemed unaffected but still fultzy he said "i'm suppose to give you something" which makes me feel like you may of poked him telling him to do this. I was also not banned for saying something anti-american i was banned for saying your name incorrectly. Also what i said was not even that insulting to America, one of the was just stupid the other wasn't even a full sentence. So i doubt Grub was really offended by "Americas economy is toilet" which the economy is not the best in the world. And why would "9/11 was bad" make him angry? it was a tragedy after all.
You did go provoking staff members on TS, what did you expect would be the outcome?
I would expect to at least be given a correct reason for being banned. And if my "opinion" on America really hurt grubs feelings so much im sorry for that.
You wee warned of what could happen. You still wanted to troll and try to be funny. No one is laughing now.
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