[FL:RP] Fillehh
Name of player: [FL:RP] Fillehh

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:21790573

Time in GMT: 17:00 approx

Server: v2P

Summary: As me and my friend was entering the office building to refill our contra [FL:RP] Fillehh came up to us and said oh its you guys (from a previous life) and started to follow us. We entered the elevator and as we was about to go up he jumped into the door and blocked the elevator from going to the second floor. I repeatedly asked him to back away so we can upwards as i was also stuck since it was crowded, but he then removed his taser and began to taser me randomly. He did this 3 times and managed to get past by jumping over my head making me lose HP. As we got to the 2nd floor he said is this your floor and was he noticed it was not he got back into the elevator which he was still blocking and went to the top floor. As he saw our base which i was already banned for (details) he pulled our his MP5 waving it around pointing it in our faces un-holstered he called for backup then along came 3/4 of the police force including 3 SS. I don't understand why he called for backup before calling an admin which I had already asked numerous times in the admin chat. The admin then told me that i was basing and how it was wrong and I repeatedly said Sorry I did not know I will remove it once the cops have gone (since they had no real evidence being there anyway).

In Conclusion Random tasing, blocking elevators and randomly wanting to search my property. Also breaking NLR.


Blocking the elevator

[Image: B430B904ECD6C92EBDD5E9338440642223C0BB29]

Random tasing

[Image: 3C34289FEB6D7EB40EC594C3176B50D0169C2FDF]

Random tasing 2nd angle

[Image: 079EF691D782CA6C407F5EB0C1C036E3C1A14481]

As you can see from the screenshots the elevator was already off the ground and since i was stuck next to the door and between Hypjamin I could not wriggle free. All he had to do was step back and catch the next elevator and there would not have been a problem.
Being a current witness there and providing the random tasing (2nd angle) screenshot, i personally asked for the admin once over to listen to our side of the story and also asked him if i could talk to him privately, I even called for help using the @ chat but i was just held silent over the yelling of (Fillehh and another officer) for another odd reason he thinks he can come up to us and "random taze" and talk about a previous life, and then when we try to prove our points we are left with him saying "look at my hours" like it grants him some form of immunity, All the time me and bob had been on the server we was confronted with him 3 - 4 times and everyone of those times was an admin involved, For stupid reasons in which i don't wish discuss as they where resolved.
Yes we broke 1 rule, Compared too his 3 above which we have proof for why was Bob the one to be banned and not get a warning? and why wasn't Fillehh banned for FailRp, Random Taze and above all else just harassing us in a sense. Oh and how does RP involve blocking an elevator with his head to stop it from moving? - Let's be real here.

I got in to the offices, you guys told me to leave: I said no. You blocked the elevator: I tazed you. (broke FearRP)
You told me to leave the offices cause you "owned it".
Truth is that you guys were basing there. I suggest you guys read the rules. Aviator is my witness.
The fact that you start off by typing 'HAHAHAHA' just shows me how childish you are. Also we did not tell you to leave the offices we told you to stop blocking the elevator which is clearly pictured in all of the screenshots. Also I have already stated what I have done wrong and I have been punished for it, but just because we broke a rule does not mean you can repeatedly break them. Telling me the read the rules is pretty funny coming from you, a guy who break NLR, blocked a moving elevator with your head, tased innocent civilians and calling in 3/4 of the police force for an admin situation. Saying that Aviator is a witness is a bit far fetched since he did not join the situation until we was at the top floor talking about my base, which I have stated numerous times I have already been punished for.
OKey... Due to the fact that I have dyslexia I can't read all of the bullshit provided here.

But I can try to tell you what happened.

I walked in to the new offices, saw these clows, decided to follow them and they went in to the elevator. They blocked me from the elevator and told me to get back then in this ban they say "It was too crowded"... *cough*bullshit.

When he refused to get out of the way I tazed him (He broke FearRP by not backing off) and then they started yelling "Ah, rand0m tazzzze".
When I finally got inside the elevator they started talking about what I was doing and bla bla bla... -.-

Then when we came to the top floor they started talking about something else and...
THIS IS F U C K I N G RIDICULOUS... These guys have not read the rules and are in general minges.

I have witnessed these guys breaking atleast 4 rules today..

They have been: Basing in offices, CDMing, FailRPing, FearRPing.

The CDM can be confirmed by Simoon. First they hit hem in to "inured mode" and then they turned around and drove him over.

(Sorry about my rage but these guys are bugging me ALOT right now)
Yeah that does not mean you can't read what I put. There are methods for breaking down which if you had dyslexia you would have been taught how to cope with it and how to deal with long sentences etc. It just means that you are either to lazy to read it or take the time to read it or that you know that what I put contradicts what you are trying to say. Also the "CDM" was not me, and it was also proven that if you are in a car chase and a cop randomly jumps out of his car to be ran over, it's his fault. How can Hypjamin... I mean how can anybody react in time when the server is as laggy as it is at peak times. I see people getting ran over all the time on the server, most just move on and forget about it. What you are saying and the proof I have does not match, before you try to make excuses show me the proof and stop trying to change the subject and face the fact that you broke the rules.

Im sorry "Ran him over into injured mode then turned around and ran him over again". I don't recall you telling the admin that earlier, don't change what happened now just because you have been proven a rule breaker. Also since you was shooting at Hypjamin when he was driving away how did he have time to turn around line his car up and run him over again and the most narrowest straight road on the map. FUNNY!
(04-12-2013, 06:44 PM)Bobjamin Wrote: Yeah that does not mean you can't read what I put. There are methods for breaking down which if you had dyslexia you would have been taught how to cope with it and how to deal with long sentences etc. It just means that you are either to lazy to read it or take the time to read it or that you know that what I put contradicts what you are trying to say. Also the "CDM" was not me, and it was also proven that if you are in a car chase and a cop randomly jumps out of his car to be ran over, it's his fault. What you are saying and the proof I have does not match, before you try to make excuses show me the proof and stop trying to change the subject and face the fact that you broke the rules.

Im sorry "Ran him over into injured mode then turned around and ran him over again". I don't recall you telling the admin that earlier, don't change what happened now just because you have been proven a rule breaker. Also since you was shooting at Hypjamin when he was driving away he had time to turn around line his car up and run him over again and the most narrowest straight road on the map. FUNNY

Do you see how I type? I brake the lines, it makes it easier to read then.
Screenshots above are given proof which the admins require, You was in the elevator for no reason, you had no reason to search us, and again NO REASON. You spotted us and thought yeah that's right i'm playing as the commander ill be a "minge" about it in which you know you was doing on purpose, Every little thing i did "Wrong" you had an admin/moderator there, the first time you was proven wrong and told to arrest me, (Learn RP) then i don't know the other few times? Maybe the one where we stole your car oh yeah thats right and you had CONTRA as a commander considering we over heard you talking about how you will switch to the police but not sure what the reason was, Yep we got your contra, yep we broke into your house, and yep we took your car, in which you cryed about once more. Honestly the 500 hours you have on the server is probably you complaining about how you don't like everyone and how you must always FOLLOW THE RULES Sure we have to do such things but no.. Even you broke them today but nope now we have evidence of you being an ass you will try to change the story, Well GG son.
(04-12-2013, 06:53 PM)fillehh Wrote:
(04-12-2013, 06:44 PM)Bobjamin Wrote: Yeah that does not mean you can't read what I put. There are methods for breaking down which if you had dyslexia you would have been taught how to cope with it and how to deal with long sentences etc. It just means that you are either to lazy to read it or take the time to read it or that you know that what I put contradicts what you are trying to say. Also the "CDM" was not me, and it was also proven that if you are in a car chase and a cop randomly jumps out of his car to be ran over, it's his fault. What you are saying and the proof I have does not match, before you try to make excuses show me the proof and stop trying to change the subject and face the fact that you broke the rules.

Im sorry "Ran him over into injured mode then turned around and ran him over again". I don't recall you telling the admin that earlier, don't change what happened now just because you have been proven a rule breaker. Also since you was shooting at Hypjamin when he was driving away he had time to turn around line his car up and run him over again and the most narrowest straight road on the map. FUNNY

Do you see how I type? I brake the lines, it makes it easier to read then.

Yeah but that does not mean you can't read what I typed. You clearly managed to read my other long paragraph. If you could be bothered you would have copy pasted what I put on separated it into lines.
(04-12-2013, 06:44 PM)Bobjamin Wrote: Im sorry "Ran him over into injured mode then turned around and ran him over again". I don't recall you telling the admin that earlier, don't change what happened now just because you have been proven a rule breaker.

Someone need to stop me... I'm about to destroy something due to these guys being mentally challenged (Just warn me for this... I can take it).

I told Aviator that one these guys hit my friend (Simoon) with a car. That took him in to "injured mode" and after that the car drove away a few meters and then it turned around and all of a sudden the car drives over my injured friend.
I got out of my car and started screaming "OUT OF THE CAR" he started driving and that's when I caught up with him after telling my partner to take the other way to ram him. We got him and then I called Aviator due to the fact that he broke both FearRP and also CDMed someone.

I would just like to point out that both of these guys have 50+ hours. They should know the rules by now. But instead they have made up their own rules that they walk around and tell you. "CDM is okey if he is in the road", "We own the new offices and you are tresspassing", "Random taze, I was blocking the way but I'm too stupid to know that, the elevator was too crowded".

If an admin thinks that I am being too hostile (I think so myself) then please tell me to type to you only. I can not take these guys, they are not here for RP... Their RP yesterday involved something... I don't remember but that was not RP.

I would just like to point it out to you guys that you said "We own all doors" but if you look at the evidence that suggests otherwise.

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