Whats the best Free Horror game?
[Image: siren-blood-curse.jpg]

Hello everyone. I have recently wanted to play some Free horror games, and i was wondering if you have any suggestions towards me.

I like to be scared at games, so i would like you all, to please name your top Favorite, Free horror game.

What i don't want you to do is instantly name one of the Slender series. I've played all of them, and i've found them getting boring.

So if you have a certain horror game that you recommend to me, please make sure to post, and i may even post a reaction video to me playing it!

Thanks guys,

-Commander Fi5h
survivers, it's like slender, but better.
(04-10-2013, 07:50 AM)GunFISH Wrote: survivers, it's like slender, but better.

This ^

If you have half life 1 you should try out Cry of Fear,

and Jeff the Killer is a scary game aswell.
All of the games that you have mentioned, i have played. Are there any other games that you would suggest to me. I am longing for a scary game!
Hmm.. Well.

I'm pretty sure you've played SCP containment breach before but i'll suggest it anyway Wink
Forget Me Not Annie is a good game aswell , but it gets a bit boring.
You can download Garry's Mod scary maps, there are some that made me shit my pants.
F.E.A.R , at leats its one of the best in effects
Give SCP Containment breach a try. It's easily the scariest game I have ever played.

Oh... and did I mention that its free?
This isn't out yet but it's definitely one to look out for.

Yeah, looks good Griim.

SCP Containment breach is a game that i have not yet played, and as you shat your pants playing it, i may just give it a try, as i am yet to find a game that makes me feel like im about to have a heart attack, out of horror.

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