Admin Abuse: Shadow, Nacreas, enzymed and Termin
Name: Doctor_GLaDOS

Time/Date: something like 2h before posting

Steam ID: Shadow STEAM_0:1:38395357
, Nacreas STEAM_0:0:57118162
enzyme STEAM_0:0:31154034
Termin STEAM_0:0:29604176

Name of Administrator: Shadow, Nacreas, enzymed and Termin

Evidence: Logs + some videos

(i have more but with nothing new)
I know that my videos doesn't show much but you can check logs.
I killed the president for banning Aperture from city, so they captured me and its ok.
However the new president broadcasted that Aperture is working for the Government (logs) so they didn't have valid reason to hostage my clan for "Interigation" that taked 45 minutes(Worst 45 minutes of my life). We wasen't banned from the city after assasination of president and the new pres didn't have anything to us.
I know that they are admins and they are allowed to do more than normal players and they are like "gods", i respect that on the server but please do something with it.
I love this server and community but when admins are "Having fun" like that and i can't do much to stop it only because they are admins is ruining everything.
Forcing someone to aggresive roleplay situation even on rp server is allways bad.
BTW: They tooked my RP point when they did fail rp'ed

Messages In This Thread
Admin Abuse: Shadow, Nacreas, enzymed and Termin - by Xbit123 - 03-26-2014, 05:55 PM

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