Dear Fearless Staff and Fearless "Roleplayer" Wolven,

sorry for my lack of knowledge on the english language as im only from germany and have no idea how english works. Smile
I also want to apologise for my "outburst"of anger in this Thread.
I see what your points are wolven and you keep on making the same points over and over again even tho I've answered all of them already. I also want to apologise for insulting you. (Apparently Snowflake now is an Insult)

Alright, lets start this:

I want to start by saying that I dont think calling someone a "Snowflake" is a Insult because Snowflakes are cute which was the main message of me calling you a Snowflake.
Also, names shouldn't be too hard to spell as you can just simply copy them. Smile

Quote:Starting in your original reply you claim that you basically have done nothing wrong this is lying in the courthouse quite simply.

Me stating that I've done nothing wrong is not lying in the courtehouse its a opinion. My Opinion. There is no lie here. So please may I ask you to stop calling me a liar and accept the fact that I have an oppinion. Thanks.

I think that you're not understanding what I'm trying to tell you with all my responses. So I'll gladly put you up to date with my side of this whole story:

The first situation happened when I was playing on Fearless to see if there was anything new. I joined Vice President and then this happened:


At the beginning you can see me joinen the job and being met with fire as I left the elevator. Spawn protection saved me.
Both put me under FearRP and forced me to show them where the president is. I did. So stating that I "broke FearRP" is false and therefore lying in the courthouse from your side (It was also really rude of you to execute me after I've helped you two and followed every order and also surrendering with the president / I can upload a the whole video on request it just might take some time.)
Quote:Not only in this situation did you break fearrp but it is also where the ToS violation began

After that I raged and messaged you on STEAM which is not related to FL at all, which means that the Fearless ToS don't apply here. Gmod was closed.
I then insulted you and you insulted me until i blocked you. I then thought "Warum schicke ich ihm nicht einfach einen Link, womit ich seine IP ergattern kann, damit er sich ein bisschen pipi in die Hose macht" which translates to: "why not try to scare him and send him an IP grabber link". I then went to Dr. Google and searched for a IP grabber tested it out and shortened the Link with the google Link shortener.
I then sended the link to you and said that it was a picture of you (which it obviously wasn't) to get you to click on the link. You did and the IP got grabbed. I said "k thx" and blocked you again. I then had you IP and wrote it down.
Minutes later Divey messaged me and asked me what I was doing and what that Link was.
(Remember this all is still OUTSIDE Fearless ToS as no Fearless Services were used in the process of getting his IP - Steam only)
Divey in this situation wasn't there as a Admin but more as a friend who was trying to solve a situation between two guys. So he had no Admin role in this situation. So saying that I "Lied to an Administrator during an Invastigation" is false as he is no Steam Admin.
Quote:You lied to an administrator during an investigation of something that happened to a fearless member of the community

I then lied to divey telling him it was a Link that just shows your Location based on your IP and went to sleep as it was late and I wanted to go to sleep.
Saying that I lied to him as an Administrator is false.
I keep the IP for a couple of days and deleted it because I didn't have any need for it. No need to DDoS as I dont even know how it works and because I could get in serious trouble for doing that. And that's not worth it honestly.
Oh and I also said that i was to scare him in Diveys Chat as you can see in wolvens response:
[Image: unknown.png]
Clearly impling it was meant as a joke to scare him.

!!!Keep in mind this all happened OUTSIDE OF FL and no FL services were used so Fearless ToS DO NOT apply!!!

Back to the OOC situation. (Keep in mind that the colored part of my reply (This color) is meant for you to know what happened outside of FL services.)

I joined back a few days later to play again. I wanted to see who was still playing the game and to see if there is anything new for me to enjoy. I then saw frost with a huge amount of 4400 Hours. I was like "WHY?" not meaning ANYTHING bad. No harassment here. Arny then asked me if I had a problem which I felt like was harassment towards me just because I was stunned by the amount of hours frost already has gathered.
(Arny's message appeared while I was typing my response so i didn't see it in time)
I then simply asked frost in a nice matter how he still finds something to do after so many hours, again not meaning anything bad.
Then Arny came along again and tried to harass me further by asking me out what it had to do with Frost having 4400 hours, trying to get everyone to think im picking on Frost which I DIDN'T.
Then wolven also jumped on the train and told me to stop picking on him (?!?!?!?!?).
That triggered me and I told wolven to stop being butthurt just because  I had his IP. Simply stating that you have someone's IP is not necessarily a threat. I never said I was going to use it. You can get people's IP just by playing on Fearless with proper tools. Does saying you have their IP really a threat? (I was also just trying to refer to the first situation that happened when I said this)

If you would actually be so kind to share more of chat the chat you can see that I didn't start with the DDoS Topic (As I remember someone else did) Never did I ever used DDoS in a sentence before.

I then tried to show you how simple it was to DDoS by saying "I could literally DDoS everyone because everyone can".
There is one important word in this sentence. It's marked in red. It is the word could. I could also jump out of the window or I could drive my car into a tree, I could also shoot a weapon on a target. Could doesn't mean im going to, nor does it mean that i intend on doing it. Why I said it? Well to show that it is easy even for someone like me to learn how to DDoS and then actually doing a DDoS Attack on someone. And no, I still dont know how to DDoS, like I said in another response.

I then also said I can DDoS Arny but im not going to. I can also jump out of the window, or buy a llama. but WHY would I?
Simply saying that i have NO reason to DDoS Arny or anyone else. But you and Arny saw it as a threat again.

Quote:In his most recent time spent on the server with me he threatened to not only ddos myself but everyone just because he can. This shows willing and intent

Saying that the time I recently spend on FL was just to harass or threaten you is delusional. Thinking i only spend my time to harass you or others is kind of sad in my eyes. (not mean as an Insult, i feel like I have to say this so you understand it Smile)

Quote:You initially attacked frost asking him how he still occupies himself with so many hours at which point I defended my friend

How is asking someone how he still finds something to do on FL harassment or an attack?
A simple plain question that wasn't mean to do anything bad. But if you get triggered by such a simple question then I'm sorry. Like I said a couple of times im sorry if you feel harassed.

Quote:The main application here is you cannot hide behind the “not on FL services” loophole any longer due to you bringing the rule infringement straight into OOC.

Saying that I'm trying to hide in a "loophole" is total BS. Getting your IP happened outside of FL services, so no ToS Applie. Saying that I have your IP happened ingame, but as it was not meant as a threat i still fail to see where I broke the rules and if it was a real thread. Saying that the first situation is not within FL TOS is also complete BS as these are two different situations that happened at 2 different times in 2 different places. One outside of FL ToS and Service, one within of FL Tos and Service.
From what I understand you can't consider anything from 3rd party services as evidence for rule break on FL. If that's not the case, please point me to a part in ToS or server rules where this is specified. Even if you could consider steam chat as evidence, there was no real threats other than rude talk, but can you ban me for that?

Quote:Sending malicious links to community members alone is enough to warrant a ban nevermind advertising you have done it in OOC AFTER denying you had the IP to an ADMINISTRATOR who was investigating the situation.

From this I think you mean that I sended links to multiple members of Fearless which is NOT the case as you were the only person I gave the IP grabber Link. And again, outside FL Divey is not an Admin and no Fearless ToS or rules apply when I'm messaging you on steam. And yes I denied having your IP, baisically lying to divey, which is not a bannable offense as this happened outside FL services.

You're baisically trying to make me look bad, not showing whole pictures and trying to change the story by saying I started with the whole DDoS thing and I do not appreciate that.

I'll follow what DVN said and not reply anymore, I wouldn't have replied anyway but as Wolven made a reply with lies in it I had to respond and make his statements straight. Thanks for reading.

Oh and again I'm sorry if you're offended, never meant to offend or harass anyone by asking simple questions, nor do I still have you IP nor do I know how to DDoS nor did I ever want to do that. Saying otherwise would be a lie.


Messages In This Thread
Dreebott - by Wolven - 01-21-2019, 12:03 AM
RE: Dreebott - by Kahjo - 01-21-2019, 10:27 AM
RE: DreeBott - by DreeBott - 01-21-2019, 07:36 PM
RE: DreeBott - by HugeChungus - 01-21-2019, 10:14 PM
RE: DreeBott - by DreeBott - 01-22-2019, 10:12 AM
RE: DreeBott - by Wolven - 01-22-2019, 11:04 AM
RE: DreeBott - by DreeBott - 01-22-2019, 01:05 PM
RE: Dreebott - by Wolven - 01-24-2019, 01:43 PM
RE: Dreebott - by DreeBott - 01-24-2019, 01:52 PM
RE: Dreebott - by DVN - 01-24-2019, 03:20 PM
RE: Dreebott - by Wolven - 01-24-2019, 05:57 PM
RE: Dreebott - by DreeBott - 01-24-2019, 07:43 PM
RE: Dreebott - by Wolven - 01-24-2019, 08:17 PM
RE: Dreebott - by DreeBott - 01-24-2019, 08:23 PM
RE: Dreebott - by Divey - 02-02-2019, 09:29 PM

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