Falc Unblacklist
Your name: Not Falc

Your blacklist ID: 82104

Steam ID: 

Reason: Agorith jumping the gun yet again, not reviewing evidence correctly. "threats in OOC"

Staff member who blacklisted you: [FL] Agorith

Reason why you should be unblacklisted:

So I was replying to the ban request, but yet again Agorith answers a ban request on someone he dislikes within seconds to avoid them getting a say, typical Agorith style.

How did I threaten anyone?


As you can see from this evidence it was not a threat. He stated before hand "Meet me in real life" so I directly quoted what he said in OOC and questioned what he said with "Why so I kick your head in?"

Can you explain how that is a threat in anyway? I directly quoted his own words and questioned it, that's not a threat lmao.

Messages In This Thread
Falc Unblacklist - by Falc - 08-09-2016, 03:40 PM
RE: Falc Unblacklist - by Agorith - 08-09-2016, 03:46 PM

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