Missing textures
Missing textures

Missing lots of textures, for example the grass in the park at citizen-spawn and the lake-textures at v4b1.

So far i have; 
Installed HL2 and starting them. https://gyazo.com/9598b5b6b6c8592c831355cd273ffa0b
Installed Content pack. https://gyazo.com/df4aebebad36bb7c22f63ea23ebdb66d
Installed Materials fix. https://gyazo.com/c7520666f2f6fc4321d9f9f2fc53cf8e

No missing textures on v2d only on the old 33 and v4b1.
I have even tried reinstalling hl2 and gmod.

What do I do?
Thank you Angel

Messages In This Thread
Missing textures - by SirEaglE - 06-07-2016, 09:01 AM

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