[Unofficial] [Pas/Agg] [Recruiting] Imperium
OOC Information

Steam Name: Ukraine

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:2596995

Number of Hours: 380+

Do you have a working mic? Yes

Do you speak fluent English? Yes

RP Points: 6

Number of Bans: 4

Timezone (preferably in GMT): EST

How active would you consider yourself in-game? (1-10): 10

How active would you consider yourself on the forums?(1-10): 10

IC Information

First Name: Xavier

Last Name: Hargreaves

Age: 20

Any previous clans? If so, list what: Syndicate , Blue Mountain PMC

Why do you want to join Imperium? I am awestruck by the fearlessness of this clan's leader, I wish to fight for him.

Give me some background on your Character Xavier grew up in the United States and serving in its army, stopping the spread of communism throughout the world. After he killed every last commie in vietnam, he moved to EvoCity to fight some more commies and it turns out there was none there....He soon saw a fearless Ginger and decided to join him.
[Image: qZ8keRu.png]
That is my real cat.
The following 3 users Like Ukraine's post:
  • Awestruck, Doctor KuLa, Random

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Unofficial] [Pas/Agg] Imperium - by Falc - 05-05-2016, 11:38 PM
RE: [Unofficial] [Pas/Agg] Imperium - by Reebs - 05-06-2016, 12:26 AM
RE: [Unofficial] [Pas/Agg] Imperium - by Rudy - 05-06-2016, 01:07 AM
RE: [Unofficial] [Pas/Agg] [Recruiting] Imperium - by Ukraine - 05-11-2016, 04:44 PM
RE: [Unofficial] [Pas/Agg] [Recruiting] Imperium - by User 19014 - 06-05-2016, 03:29 PM

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