Media manipulation, worse or not as bad as we think?
(02-23-2016, 04:48 PM)Joykill Wrote: Biased ≠ an institution which is used to control the masses, let me remind you. You're making a connection between to unrelated 'symptoms' to form a diagnosis or conclusion.

I think you're a bit confused to what I'm referring to. I'm not saying that Biased means an institution that controls the masses, that's not the definition of the word. The definition of the word as per says in the Oxford dictionary with the example as shown "

verb (biases, biasing, biased)

1 Cause to feel or show inclination or prejudice for or against someone or something:
"Readers said the paper was biased towards the Conservatives"

What I'm referring to when I say that the mainstream media is biased is that it is inclined to support the policies of the Government of where it's based. Therefore, BBC, DailyMail and other British newspapers will be inclined to offer a biased view towards the UK's foreign policy. CNN, FOX, will be inclined to support the US in it's foreign policy.

Just like you stated in your latter post>
(02-23-2016, 04:48 PM)Joykill Wrote: Internally in every country, you can make a video just like this one. It's very, very easy to pick out clips from various places to form an image of an entire country being in despair, and in contrast take more calmed clips from another media.

That's exactly what I'm referring to. I'm not saying that the media constantly lies, constantly manipulates and is exclusively controlled by the Government. It's more complex than that and perhaps I didn't explain myself correctly.

What I mean when I say "Media", I don't mean ALL media, I mean Mainstream Media (Top selling newspapers and news agencies in every country). There is real journalism and really admirable work done by many journalists across the world for many news agencies, both independent and part of a group. However, the main problem doesn't come when the media "Lies" to the people (Even though this happens, voluntarily or not), the main problem comes with "Selective information".

Just like you stated, it's very easy to pick certain pieces of information from here, there and show a completely different view that if you publish all the information, even though technically you're not lying.
What I really dislike about Mainstream Media is that many people fail to realize the difference between an opinion and information, and especially in the US, mainstream media offers more opinions rather than actual factual information, which I believe goes against the core principals of Journalism, which should be to provide an unbiased view on a story by providing information. This influences people massively and can be dangerous.

An example of this would be for example:

[Image: Maggie-front-pages-004.jpg?w=700&q=85&au...3a0cd17d26]

[Image: Thatcher-mail_2530780f.jpg]

Two different "News"papers who in their front pages offer different opinions. One believes Thatcher was an amazing politician and the other that she was the cause for many horrible things. Faced with this, how am I supposed to discern from opinions and real information when I wasn't even alive when Thatcher was around? I'd need to do my own research and based on the type of person I am I would, however many people don't research and will believe what they first read on the newspaper, and this can be VERY dangerous.

(02-23-2016, 04:48 PM)Joykill Wrote: Referring to the Hitler-like situation claim, I think that's straight up ridiculous. Call me brainwashed, controlled by the media, government, whatever, but I can't in any way recognize this. There are dictators all over the world, but claiming we're seeing the rise of an ultra-nationalistic, anti-Semetic, totalitarian, far-right regimes in Europe is, in my view, totally wrong. We've seen continued work and effort towards free speech and expression over the past 100 years. That is a thing only helping avoid the success of such regimes.

The reason for making these claims is not because governments are going down a "Totalitarian far-right regime" at an extremely fast rate. The reason I'm making these claims is because over the past few years we are seeing a huge rise in far-right political parties in governments all across Europe and the west.

Look at Donald Trump, leading the US elections. He promotes racist views, he believes in not allowing any Muslim in the states, in building a huge wall with Mexico, in deporting million of immigrants, speaks down to people, throws people out of his rallies for having a sign that says "Spread Peace, not hate" and is in favor of using torture as a form of interrogation. In his own words "I'd bring back a lot worse than water-boarding" (Waterboarding is a method of torture used by the CIA and other countries that simulates drowning of the person being interrogated). In the US you also have ARMED far right militias protesting immigration outside mosques, with automatic rifles and shotguns.

In Spain, it is now illegal to Protest. Yes, that's right. Of course they can't just say "You cannot protest" because that would be too harsh, instead they dress it up and say "For safety reasons, if you're going to organize a protest of more than 5 people you have to ask for permission", which as you can imagine is extremely rare to be given, and because of this rule anyone protesting without a permit is now facing jail time. Laws were put in place to stop Google News from operating. It has been officially proven that our Political party that is in charge (Right wing) is corrupt. It has been proven several times that it has accepted millions worth of bribes from big companies, yet they're still there because Spanish people can't legally protest now. They changed the constitution for this, which is ILLEGAL for they did it behind closed doors and before anyone could say anything about it.

In Poland, a Nationalist right winged political party was elected. I quote "The European commission will raise the pressure on Warsaw by debating how to respond to controversial new laws that have given the Polish government more control over the media, purged public broadcasting staff, and packed the supreme court with loyalists. Poland’s ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party passed a law overhauling the constitutional tribunal, which critics say removes checks on government power."

In Sweden there is a massive rise in far right thinking with the whole "Migrant scare".
Recent opinion polls show the Swedish Democrats, a group with neo-Nazi ties, atop the board with more than 25 percent of the vote. Five years ago, they won just 5.7 percent of the vote in parliamentary elections.

In Greece, a Neo-Nazi political party called "Golden Dawn" came third in the countries elections and has several of it's members arrested over hate attacks.

In Austria, far right parties are emerging.
The far-right Freedom Party (FPO) has stepped into the chaotic political vacuum that has ensued, quietly but confidently positioning itself as a protector of Austria's heritage and borders against the tide of refugees. In late September the party stormed to success in local elections, doubling its share of the vote to more than 30% and securing 18 seats in Upper Austria, second only to the ruling regional conservatives. The next Austrian general election will take place by the end of 2018 and the mainstream parties are now facing a major battle to keep the far-right FPO out of power.

In Denmark:
The far-right Danish People's Party (DF) has been so successful in recent elections that it now has the balance of power and could topple the Danish coalition government. The party finished second in June's general election after securing 21% of the vote and 37 seats in the country's 179-seat parliament.

In Finland:
The Finns Party (PS) - known as the 'True Finns' - has enjoyed a meteoric rise similar to the Danish People's Party (DP) and is now a major player in Finland's coalition government. The nationalists became Finland's second largest political party when they won 17.7% of the votes in April's general election and entered into a pact with the ruling Conservatives. It made its breakthrough to become the third largest party in Finland 2011 - the same year an opinion poll revealed that 51% of its voters agreed with the statement "people of certain races are unsuited for life in a modern society".

In Germany:
This year (2015) has also seen a sharp rise in the number of attacks against immigrant housing, according to German charities. The Amadeu Antonio Stiftung and PRO ASYL groups compiled statistics showing that there were 429 attacks on refugee shelters up to the end of October, including 93 arson attacks, compared with 153 attacks for all of 2014

In France:
The Front National (FN) party stunned Europe and the world when it stormed to victory in the first round of the French local elections earlier this month. It scooped an astonishing 28% of the national vote in the first round of the elections, polling first place in six of France's 13 administrative regions and winning more than six million votes.

I believe that, with all this information and all the information that is still missing I am right to be worried about the current state of affairs and where this is all going. Remember that Hitler didn't rise to power overnight, it started with an increasing number of the far right over the years, which is what's happening, hence why I make the reference. Also, our governments support Israel, a country that is completely racist, breaks international law and illegally occupies a country, killing their children, taking away their food, medical supplies and even destroying the homes of those Palestinians who oppose the Israeli government.

To me, we are going down a very dark road and people aren't realizing it.
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RE: Media manipulation, worse or not as bad as we think? - by Holdem - 02-24-2016, 11:09 AM

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