Media manipulation, worse or not as bad as we think?
Biased ≠ an institution which is used to control the masses, let me remind you. You're making a connection between to unrelated 'symptoms' to form a diagnosis or conclusion.

I'm not saying that every media outlet is good, reliable or otherwise worth your eyes and clicks, but there certainly are good media outlets. Media is a very big thing indeed, so taking one word that covers literally hundreds of thousands+ organisations and calling it all a tool of the government to control the masses is wrong. You could start a media organization. Collect some writers, take some photos and write about it. That certainly isn't controlled by the government, but that doesn't mean what is written is either correct nor unbiased. 

Referring to the Hitler-like situation claim, I think that's straight up ridiculous. Call me brainwashed, controlled by the media, government, whatever, but I can't in any way recognize this. There are dictators all over the world, but claiming we're seeing the rise of an ultra-nationalistic, anti-Semetic, totalitarian, far-right regimes in Europe is, in my view, totally wrong. We've seen continued work and effort towards free speech and expression over the past 100 years. That is a thing only helping avoid the success of such regimes.

Easier than ever before you have the actual ability to get information from any place on earth, no matter your actual location. That's amazing.

And besides, where'd you get news if it weren't for the media? Should we just have none of that, all in the cause to avoid bias?

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RE: Media manipulation, worse or not as bad as we think? - by Joykill - 02-23-2016, 04:48 PM

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