How to give rep to people with Google Chrome!
Hey. I know there has been trouble giving rep to people using google chrome due to google blocking JS. So, I've found a small fix for this.

Normally, when you click "Rate" or "Rate User" nothing happens. So, here is a way to do it. its no the fastest, but works. 

Fast way: (Right click->copy link->paste in browser->edit USEREIDHERE! with the user's ID you want to give rep!)
Ie my link;

Slow way: Goto the persons profile. (For an example, I will use Audacter.)

Right click "Rate" or "Rate User"->Inspect Element->Find the javacript code. Ie should be 


Once you're done with that, double click the code, and press control+c. then find the "console" tab, and press control+v
It should say something like; 
XHR failed loading: GET "".

Copy the link, and paste it into the browser. Like so,

Done! enjoy giving out rep to people!

Fastest way; switch to firefox. but firefox is somewhat shit so I don't blame you for not going there. Tounge


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How to give rep to people with Google Chrome! - by Adamantite - 11-19-2015, 04:37 AM

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