An Open Letter to the Fearless Staff
I understand that you are upset that you have been blacklisted from OOC but there is nothing that you can do other than post an unblacklist request, which you have done and was denied. The quote can be interpreted in different ways. It is always up to the staff member online at the time to gage the atmosphere of the OOC chat and interpret your message, it sucks that according to you the staff that was present misinterpreted the quote, but there is nothing you can do about it. I personally do not see the quote as homophobic but I also was not online during this time, sorry that you feel that you have been wronged, best of luck.
[Image: XLnyw5R.jpg]
Edward John Smith is my idol!
Some say that the Titanic would be a sinking ship, but it just left the criticizers at dock and hit an iceberg.

Original signature idea made by Grub edited to fit my account (Added this to abide by forum rule 3e.)

Messages In This Thread
An Open Letter to the Fearless Staff - by goigle! - 11-03-2015, 05:24 AM
RE: An Open Letter to the Fearless Staff - by Ali - 11-03-2015, 05:33 AM
RE: An Open Letter to the Fearless Staff - by Ali - 11-03-2015, 07:07 AM
RE: An Open Letter to the Fearless Staff - by Ali - 11-03-2015, 07:52 AM
RE: An Open Letter to the Fearless Staff - by Ali - 11-03-2015, 08:02 AM
RE: An Open Letter to the Fearless Staff - by DVN - 11-03-2015, 09:05 AM

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