Great run, blu signing out
I just wanna clear things up. I have 3 different accounts on here but this one is the one I seem to remember the password to. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't impersonating anyone or trying/tried to be someone besides me, I just kept forgetting my passwords and had many email accounts and forgot which ones were linked to which accounts, it was all the same person though. The reason for that is because I had issues with managing my shit and whatnot but my point in all this is to say that I had a great stay in this community. I've clocked in about 500+ hrs on v2d alone in the span of 3 years but for some reason I never felt the urge to mingle with you peeps here on the forums. All I did was read threads that seemed interesting to me and left. Since 2014 my activity on the servers has dwindled greatly so much so that I made the decision to take a break. And boy was that break a huge one. Ever since then I'd hop on v2d for a bit to see how things where and shit but that was about it. I was beginning to lose interest in the game itself at this point. I got back on for a about a week straight early on this summer strictly to contrawhore. I attained the goal I set out to achieve which was get a BMW and some cash monies then left for summer. Despite my inactivity I feel like I've made a connection with this community because of the constant drama. You know? The kinda drama that fucks with your emotions. Today I made the decision to not only leave but also tell you all a little about myself since I know a lot about most people here and thought that it would only be fair this way. Coincidentally the day I decide to make a cya thread, which is the first time for me on the forums since the beginning of summer turns out to be the day I see all these admins going out in really retarded ways. Those admins obviously had their own reasons to act in the way they did and I'm not in any position to judge them. In my opinion though this could have been handled in a more professional manner but what the heck? What happened, happened. Let's not forget though, that Soul was the one who held this place together even at it's worst. Even at times when things seemed to be spiraling out of control. He didn't give up on this community. I would have, tbh, a long tome ago even. It just goes to show how much Soul has done for this place. Both him and the Administrative team. I trust that FL will most definitely get back on it's feet and really hope it does because I would like the new players to enjoy the good things in it like the raiding and shit. As for me, I'm signing off. I have many things to do in such a limited amount of time and I feel like I'm done with FL's drama and GMod as a whole. I need to focus my time and energy where they're due most and that is not on games as was the case before. I'd make a ty list but most peeps that this would go out to probably already left apart for Audacter who's a mod right now. Congrats by the way if you're reading this. Perhaps someday you'll find me drifting in my BMW and you'd stop me like you used to do. AUD PLS stop arrest. :c

Thank you all for everything, especially you Soul.

blu signing out.

Messages In This Thread
Great run, blu signing out - by ComradeCat - 08-06-2015, 04:43 AM
RE: Great run, blu signing out - by DVN - 08-06-2015, 09:47 AM
RE: Great run, blu signing out - by Matrix_ - 08-06-2015, 12:02 PM
RE: Great run, blu signing out - by Mist - 08-06-2015, 12:30 PM

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