Is this FailRP? [Debate/Discussion]
I was the underboss at that time, I do verify this story.

I must state that shooting up a hospital as a scare tactic was also not a very clever thought.
Though this was a valid tactic if we did try to extort the president, which we did.

Now you might think, "Extorting the president? The maffia never did that.".

This is an invalid thought

In the peak times of the maffia, the maffia were so strong that they actuelly were able to bring the entire productivity of the USA to a halt. They were infiltrated in every union. It is ignorant to believe that the maffia would not have infiltrated the government aswell.
To state that the maffia would not interact with the government in any way, is an invalid thought.

I would not have classified this as failRP, though I must admit that I do understand the arguements the moderators put up.

This is once again making a great example on what a grey area "failRP" is. It really is dependand on the administrator/moderator in question.

Now the moderators did consult each other before giving their verdict, which is a great thing to eliminate opinions out of the situation. However, one of the moderators was involved in the situation, making his statement questionable.

This is absolutely not an attack on the moderator in question, therefore I am also not mentioning names.
However, I would like to prove that the reason "failrp", is purely based on opinions, and these differ greatly.

Messages In This Thread
Is this FailRP? [Debate/Discussion] - by Shorty - 07-17-2015, 04:12 AM
RE: Is this FailRP - by Suarez - 07-17-2015, 04:55 AM
RE: Is this FailRP - by Shorty - 07-17-2015, 05:41 AM
RE: Is this FailRP - by CommanderEcho - 07-17-2015, 07:30 AM
RE: Is this FailRP - by Barkles - 07-17-2015, 07:34 AM
RE: Is this FailRP - by Jericho - 07-17-2015, 07:55 AM
RE: Is this FailRP - by Jericho - 07-17-2015, 07:58 AM
RE: Is this FailRP? [Debate/Discussion] - by Doodleh - 07-22-2015, 11:46 AM

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