Blurr - Removal from record
Your name: [FL:RP] Blurr

Your ban ID: 58416

Banned by: [FL] Fultz

Reason: BRA (57106) - FearRP

Involved: Myself, Dex, Fultz

Why we should unban you:

Firstly here is a link to the Ban Request posted on me -

Right, I feel that this ban should be removed from my record. I believe so since the tazer was or is still bugged. It was never facing towards me on my screen, so I though I was not under fear rp and why should I follow him? I never thought I would need to follow him since for me it was never posing a threat towards me, it looked like it was in "safe mode" the whole time.Yet for Dex the tazer was pointing towards me like a gun, you can see this in Dex's video on the Ban Request.You can also see in the replies on the Ban Request I posted a few screenshots and a video of what is was like on my side.

Now I do not want to compare myself yet I feel it is necessary.

Here is a abuse case on Temar the Super Developer for Fearless -

Here you see Temar break fear rp, the abuse case was denied because it was a bug, here is what Fultz said - 
"A bug has made a miscommunication between the player and admin. The bug will hopefully be removed from our servers so anything like this in the future will not happen."

Now the Ban Request on me was posted on the 01-24-2015

The Abuse case on Temar was posted on the 02-15-2015

Now I have posted the dates to say that the Ban Request on me was posted before the Abuse Case, my was approved then under a month later Temar's is denied? It is the same reason "A bug has made a miscommunication between the player and admin" the bug was something I didn't know of at the time.

How is this fair? It was a mistake hence I didn't know about the bug so I though Dex never had the tazer on me therefore I though I was not breaking fear rp.

Messages In This Thread
Blurr - Removal from record - by Blurr - 07-02-2015, 09:20 PM
RE: Removal from record - Blurr - by Jono - 07-02-2015, 09:25 PM
RE: Blurr - Removal from record - by Zecon - 07-03-2015, 01:28 PM
RE: Blurr - Removal from record - by Dex - 07-03-2015, 08:36 PM
RE: Blurr - Removal from record - by Temar - 07-03-2015, 08:46 PM
RE: Blurr - Removal from record - by Temar - 07-03-2015, 08:52 PM

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