Report: - [Onyx] Mkay and TyBust3r
Name of player: 1- [Onyx] Mkay
                         2- TyBust3r
SteamID: 1- STEAM_0:1:92639063
                2- STEAM_0:1:104837015
Time in GMT:  Dunno, but it was 3H30 AM in UTC -5:00
Server: Evocity V33x
Summary: It started when i killed the last president. He wasnt speaking english, didnt make any law, it was annoying. When I went down the nexus, I saw 2 rebels and 1 GD, ( [Onyx] Fear ) going up the Nexus. I Pmed Mkay to tell him that the job has been already done, and to don't go up there. 5 minutes later, I became President, and the 2 rebels were waiting for me in my office. They started to knife and shot me, and I told them I had immunity. I was going to take the elevator but it has been called down the nexus, so I was alone with these guys. They waited for my immunity to get off and they killed me, knife and guns in hand. END.
Mr. TyBust3r, pointing a gun at me ( We can see my immunity , so why they do this ? )
[Image: 2e31wlt.jpg]
Mr. [Onyx] Mkay , knifing my body, waiting for my immunity to go off.
[Image: k3w1hs.jpg]
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[Image: 2vjobnk.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
Report: - [Onyx] Mkay and TyBust3r - by MrGorzia53 - 06-11-2015, 07:57 AM
RE: Report: - [Onyx] Mkay and TyBust3r - by Decay - 06-11-2015, 08:35 AM

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