Literally every single admin that can see the @ chat
So, i wanted to build a mechanic shop, where i could weld things to cars and change the skin.
When i told an admin i wanted it, he said "You have to build a mechanic shop first."
So i built (bought) a mechanic shop and told the admins that i wanted my permissions. I asked nicely, using words like please and.. uhh..
Anyway, i was calling them, asking them for the permissions. I told them i already had my first customer, and i was ringing desperately while he angrily waited for someone to give me the permissions i needed. Very soon nobody came and the customer left. I complained to the admins about it, yet no answer. My second customer arrived, and now i was even more desperate than before. I tried to be nice, and ask them nicely, but then i just saw Pinky in the chat say;
"Please be informative in admin chat."
I was confused. The fuck? How does he have time to write an OOC message instead of help a member of Fearless?
The customer soon left and i was angry. I told him i would make an Administrator abuse thread (like this you're reading now)
and then my screen went white. Pinky kicked me for;
"Threatening staff."
It wasn't threatening. I was warning Pinky that he was not doing his job and was losing countless customers for me to serve.

I couldn't be fucking bothered reconnecting.

Messages In This Thread
Literally every single admin that can see the @ chat - by dvngb - 05-28-2015, 11:09 PM

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