Smart weld used to create 100s of constraints, so many constraints would lag the server.
For example:
40 Prop dupe smart welded created 800 constraints,
If that was pasted it would lag the server on its own, now imagine 75 * 40 prop dupes each containing 800 constraints.
Now you must weld manually with the weld tool to each prop.
If you find it difficult I would reccomend placing one prop in the middle of a dupe and welding everything to it. Then when pasting remove that prop.


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Messages In This Thread
RE: SMART TOOL -I want an EXPLENATION - by Brennan - 05-28-2015, 04:17 PM
RE: SMART TOOL -I want an EXPLENATION - by Hitman - 05-29-2015, 02:01 AM

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