[EVENT] IRA Infiltration
**A group of CHERUB agents make their way to the mission


_acces mission
_access mission








[Image: embed.php?text=History%0A&name=CGF%20Locus...lor=15155E]
Dating back to around to King Henry‘s days, the Irish and British have never been getting along. the British and the Irish having been in a constant feud. While King Henry the Eight was king of England he and his men conquered Ireland. The Irish remained under England’s rule until the late 1700’s until when many Irish people armed together to form the Society of United Irishmen. For the next few years, there was attempts to join Ireland and England together, but they failed.
At the year 1919, England and Ireland debated over a indecency act. There was no progress in the debates and talks, so formed the IRA, the Irish Republicans Army. From there, the IRA launched a guerrilla warfare on England, which caused the island to split into two, Northern Ireland and Ireland. In 1921, the fighting had ended. As of the last century, numerous men, women and children have died at the hands of the freedom fighters, the IRA and British militants.

[Image: embed.php?text=The%20IRA%0A&name=CGF%20Loc...lor=15155E]
The Irish Republican Army, or IRA, have become a familiar terrorist organization to England. The IRA receives a majority of it’s funds from overseas, from the Boston area in USA. They repeatedly say they are working for a Cause, to promote the independence of and the revival of Irish culture and language. The motto of the IRA is ‘Sinn Fein’ which means Irish: We Oursleves. Today, the IRA is dedicated to unifying Northern Ireland with Ireland. The IRA employs violence in its attempts to achieve their goals. The IRA was graded as lowly armed until very recently when undercover MI5 agents reported that the IRA had seized radio active drones. [See Attachment A For Picture of Drone]

[Image: embed.php?text=The%20Drones&name=CGF%20Loc...lor=15155E]
Drones are another one of man’s many new inventions that was supposed to help the military forces of the world. Drones are pilot less airplanes that cannot be detected by any radar systems of the world. Drones can be armed with bioweapons, nuclear weapons and explosives so that they will explode when they reach a target. Drones can be lead anywhere using an everyday computer with the right software and a GPS on the Drone. Most drones have a camera that stimulates and projects what the Drone is facing to the pilot. This also makes it easier to fly and more accurate.
Over the years, drones have been misplaced from a military base in Russia and have been confirmed to be in the hands of the IRA. These drones that were stolen from the Russians were armed with radio active materials and with the ability to fly them at anything using a computer and GPS, they can be targeted anywhere. The most likely targets are in London, England and Belfast, Northern Ireland. The IRA would not be afraid of releasing them on England and it is most likely that at least one drone will be aimed at Buckingham Palace.

[Image: embed.php?text=Isaac%20Collins&name=CGF%20...lor=15155E]
Born in 1968, ISAAC COLLINS [See Attachment B For Picture]was born into a predominately religious and Irish family. All the men in his family before him, his uncles and father, were all members of the IRA. Isaac was the youngest of three sons born to an old Irish family. ISSAC COLLINS grew up in an unfriendly environment and when ISAAC eleven he lost his father. His father made a suicide bombing of himself in the capital of Northern Ireland, killing himself and three civilians. After the death of his father, ISSAC grew up a troubled life, being arrested thirteen times for various things like drug dealing, assault and even attempted rape. When ISSAC COLLINS turned twenty, there was allegations that he was behind the murder of the daughter of Northern Ireland’s richest man’s daughter but no such thing was ever proved.
ISAAC COLLINS went and studied in London, studying physics and majoring in chemistry. While at school, COLLINS learned and became a certified pilot. At twenty-one, Isaac followed in his father’s footsteps and joined the IRA. ISAAC made very fast progress through the ranks of the IRA, becoming one of the youngest senior members. He became one of the IRA’s main consultants for air strikes and using chemicals as weapons. During his leap through the ranks, he married MIRIAM FLANAGAN [See Attachment C For Picture], an only child to an old Irish family. MIRIAM gave birth to their oldest son, GIDEON (1990). Two years later in early February, MIRIAM gave later birth to a set of girl twins, RENEE and BRIDGET (1992). In 1993, the leader of the IRA was found dead in his office and three other important men had handed themselves into the MI5. From there, ISAAC COLLINS took over the IRA. The two men who turned themselves into MI5 did not say anything of value, only saying they had enough of their life. Seeing as ISAAC became leader of the IRA, the main speculation is that COLLINS had themselves turn themselves in and he got someone to kill his predecessor.
In1994, MIRIAM gave birth to another son, JOSEPH. In 1996, Miriam gave birth to the last child of the Collins family, CONOR Collins. All of the children of the COLLINS have been given biblical names and the family regularly attends church in Dublin (capital of Ireland) as well, MIRIAM likes to help new families coming into Dublin out, supporting them and inviting them over for dinner. ISAAC COLLINS continued to lead the IRA in the same way it had been run for a century until in December of 2006, when he had the drones stolen. The MI5, MI6, INTERPOL, the police and the KGB all have been trying to gather information about the drones because the IRA is such a tight group that it wouldn’t let any newcomers near to the talks of drones.

[Image: embed.php?text=Mission%20Request%0A&name...lor=15155E]
By March 2007 there still had been little progress on locating the drones. A majority of agents who went undercover into Ireland did not come back, either they would turn corrupt or die a painful death. The government requested to MI5 that they approach the IRA using a different tactic. MI5 was having little success as well so they suggested using CHERUB agents to get close to ISAAC COLLINS kids.
Isaac Collins is very close to his children and his wife, and the odd time Collins will allow children to take messages to other people. The CHERUB agents need to befriend the Collins kids and gather as much information about the drones as possible. The main objective of the mission is to locate the drones and another important objective of the mission is to find enough information that implicates Isaac Collins with the theft of such drones so he will be jailed for the rest of his natural life.

[Image: embed.php?text=Your%20Mission%0A&name=CG...lor=15155E]
Two mission controllers and a team of four to six CHERUBs will be going to Dublin, Ireland disguised as a family. For mission purposes, the cherubs surname will be O’Shea, a traditional and common Irish name. All cherubs must choose a new name from the following list attached to the end of this briefing. [See Attachment D]The names are all Biblical and will suit the area they are moving into. The O’Shea (cherub) family will be moving three doors down from the Collins, giving them good access to the family. All the students will be placed in the same school as the Collins children and a majority of their classes. It is also important that the cherubs attend the local parish, St Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church, at least three times for that is the same church Isaac Collins and his family goes to. Collins and the IRA like to recruit people from the churches. As well, Miriam Collins, Isaac’s wife, likes to invite new people to the church to the house as a welcoming to the city.
Primary Objective
Each cherub must befriend one each of the Collins children. It is up to the mission controllers to match the right agents with the right kids, and it should be fitting according to age so they may attend classes and such with their target.
_______ O’Shea - Gideon Collins - 16 [See Attachment R]
_______ O’Shea - Renee Collins - 15 [See Attachment F]
_______ O’Shea - Bridget Collins - 15 [See Attachment G]
_______ O’Shea - Joseph Collins - 13 [See Attachment H]
_______ O’Shea - Conor Collins - 11 [See Attachment I]
If the cherubs succeed in befriending their targets, they must attempt to socialise outside of school and get into Isaac Collins home, gathering as much information as possible. Each cherub will be in almost every class as their target giving them easy access. The cherubs need to find information that will implicate Isaac Collins to the stolen drones and any other crimes so he will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. It is suggested that the cherubs hack into his lap top and look around his office, if possible. Isaac Collins opts to use a disposal mobile phone and likes to hold face to face meetings and he knows his phone lines are tapped so the best bet to finding anything out would be reading his lap top.
Secondary Objective
As it is very unlikely that the drones will be stored within the Collins home, it is important that the cherubs locate the drones. It will be very unlikely that the cherubs will be able to find it immediately for the drones are heavily hidden within the city of Dublin. Finding the drones is not going to be a difficult mission although for Isaac Collins regularly asks his owns kids and other kids to deliver messages to his followers. MI5 believes that at one point or another Collins children may visit where the drones are held. If the drones are found, their location needs to be recorded along with any security measures around it. Photographic proof would enormously help the efforts.
As well, Isaac Collins is making attempts to seize or steal more weapons of mass destruction, for a reliable source said so. The cherubs must stop this from happening. 

[/url][Image: embed.php?text=Ethics%20Committee&name=C...lor=15155E]

On June 3rd 2007, this mission was approved by the ethics committee with votes 2:1. The mission is allowed to proceed on the following conditions. The cherubs must understand that this has been rated HIGH RISK because if the drones go off with them in the area, they will been instantly killed by the radio activity. The IRA is a violent group and will feel no shame in torturing teenagers as well if they suspect they are working for the British government. The cherubs can pull themselves out of the mission at any time if they feel the need to. There will be two mission controllers close at hand for assistance and a liaison from the MI5.

While every step has been taken to guarantee the agents safety in Ireland, the agents will be exposed to violent actions and possibly illegal substances. The agents are reminded that if they use any Class A drug [See Attachment J]they will be expelled from CHERUB. Agents are urged to understand what they are facing and the consequences they face if caught.

[url=http://fontmeme.com/gears-of-war-font/][Image: embed.php?text=Ethics%20Committee&name=C...lor=15155E]

On June 3rd 2007, this mission was approved by the ethics committee with votes 2:1. The mission is allowed to proceed on the following conditions. The cherubs must understand that this has been rated HIGH RISK because if the drones go off with them in the area, they will been instantly killed by the radio activity. The IRA is a violent group and will feel no shame in torturing teenagers as well if they suspect they are working for the British government. The cherubs can pull themselves out of the mission at any time if they feel the need to. There will be two mission controllers close at hand for assistance and a liaison from the MI5.
While every step has been taken to guarantee the agents safety in Ireland, the agents will be exposed to violent actions and possibly illegal substances. The agents are reminded that if they use any Class A drug [See Attachment J]they will be expelled from CHERUB. Agents are urged to understand what they are facing and the consequences they face if caught.

[Image: embed.php?text=Attachments&name=CGF%20Locu...lor=15155E]

Attachment A:

[Image: dJJ4UWn.jpg]
One of the Russian Drones

Attachment B:

**Missing Data**

Attachment C:

Isaac Collins - Year 2006

Attachment D:

Miriam Collins - Year 2007

Attachment E:

The following is a profile of Gideon Collins done by the school psychiatrist in the beginning the school year of 2006 and 2007. Pictures enclosed.
[Image: uGURVuj.png]
Student’s Name: Gideon Collins
Sex : Male
Year : 12
Birthdate : January 17[sup]th[/sup] 1990
Sibling(s) Names: Renee Collins, Bridget Collins, Joseph Collins and Conor Collins
Parents/Guardian Names: Miriam and Isaac Collins

Counsellors Notes: Gideon Collins has been suspended from school nine times in his four years at our school. Three of the suspensions are for possession of drugs like cocaine and ketamine, the ‘date rape drug’. Three other suspensions were for abusive behaviour and in one instant he sent one kid to the hospital. Another suspension was for having a weapon (a knife) in school and threatening to use it. One suspension was for skipping too many detentions and another for public display of affection in school. His displays of affections were beyond tolerable and the girl to whom he was with was reportedly struggling to keep him back. When we called Gideon and his parents in for a meeting early this year, Gideon arrived ten minutes late and his father never showed up. Gideon’s mother claimed that he was simply a troubled boy and the school had to agree with her there. Gideon skips classes regularly, and when he attends classes he messes around and is basically failing. If Gideon continues hanging out with the ‘stoners’, he may end up in jail.

Attachment F:
The following is a profile of Renee Collins done by the school psychiatrist in the year of 2006. Pictures enclosed.
[Image: uGURVuj.png]
Student’s Name: Renee Collins
Sex : Female
Year : 11
Birthdate : February 4[sup]th[/sup] 1992
Sibling(s) Names: Gideon Collins, Bridget Collins, Joseph Collins and Conor Collins
Parents/Guardian Names: Miriam and Isaac Collins

Counsellors Notes: Renee Collins has the biggest potential in the Collins family, she’s an honour roll student holding the highest grades of her class. Renee, unlike her older brother or twin sister, has never served a detention or been suspended for rude behaviour. Renee is our school’s vice president and has represented us finely. Along with being the school’s vice president, Renee is the captain of the Debate Team and one of the founders of the Book Club. Renee has high hopes for the future and wishes to go to university in England to study medicine. Renee is not an athletic girl but she still chooses to be active on school teams like the debate team. Renee will often go out with her twin sister, partying and what not. Renee sometimes appears to be troubled about something but she never says what’s on her mind. There appears to be problems at home with her that causes her worries because none of her teachers have seen her with a few boys that are as well honour roll students. 

Attachment G:

The following is a profile of Bridget Collins done by the school psychiatrist in the year of 2006. Pictures enclosed.
[Image: uGURVuj.png]
Student’s Name: Bridget Collins
Sex : Female
Year : 11
Birthdate : February 4[sup]th[/sup] 1992
Sibling(s) Names: Gideon Collins, Bridget Collins, Joseph Collins and Conor Collins
Parents/Guardian Names: Miriam and Isaac Collins

Counsellors Notes: Bridget Collins is what the school would classify as average. Bridget, or Briddy, is the school’s spirit squad leader. She is widely liked by all and is very popular. She eats at the popular kids table while her twin does not. Bridget is very flirtatious and has had many boyfriends over her years here. Bridget achieves standard grades but if she tried she could have potential. Bridget is in the ‘In’ crowd and regularly attends all the cool parties. Bridget arrives at school on Mondays most days hung over and late. She has served numerous detentions but never has been suspended. Bridget has skipped classes at least a dozen times to go shopping. Bridget does smoke but is only a moderate smoker from what the school can tell. In year 9, one of our school’s teacher chatted up her and even attempted to touch her breasts. The teacher was fired immediately. Bridget is also on the school’s tennis and field hockey team and is an average athlete but does not take sports carefully. 

Attachment H:

The following is a profile of Joseph Collins done by the school psychiatrist in the year of 2006. Pictures enclosed.
[Image: uGURVuj.png]
Student’s Name: Joseph Collins
Sex : Male
Year : 9
Birthdate : April 26[sup]th[/sup] 1993
Sibling(s) Names: Renee Collins, Bridget Collins, Conor Collins and Gideon Collins
Parents/Guardian Names: Miriam and Isaac Collins

Counsellors Notes: Joseph Collins, or Joe, is one of the school’s most aspiring athletes. Joe is on three school sports teams, the football team, the ice hockey team and the lacrosse team. In all teams, Joe is notably the star. Because of his athletics, Joe is not a smoker or a drug user but he does socialize a lot. Joe has attended Year 10 parties and is saw as the most popular kid of his year. Joe is a bit below average but is still passing in the 60’s. Joe has gone out with only a few girls for he is only 13. Joe attends all his classes regularly but has served a few detentions for bullying and such. Joe has a rather large ego and thinks that he owns his year. Joe knows the fact that everyone wants to be his friend and all the girls like him but he is still to be challenged by a greater athlete. 
Attachment I:
The following is a profile of Conor Collins done by the school psychiatrist in the year of 2006. Pictures enclosed.
[Image: uGURVuj.png]
Student’s Name: Conor Collins
Sex : Male
Year : 7
Birthdate : July 19[sup]th[/sup] 1996
Sibling(s) Names: Renee Collins, Bridget Collins, Joseph Collins and Gideon Collins
Parents/Guardian Names: Miriam and Isaac Collins

Counsellors Notes : Conor Collins is the most average of the Collins family, mainly because he is still a kid. Only eleven, Conor is a little above average for intelligence and a regular athlete. Conor is a valuable member to our school’s football team showing great talent in the game. Conor is fit and has been holding the school’s track record for his age. Conor is a loud and sometimes anxious kid, like any boy his age though. Conor can be immature at some points and at one point he was taken out of his health class, which was discussing the reproductive system, for being to immature. Conor was diagnosed with Whooping Cough, or Pertussis, earlier this year. The Whooping Cough extends for 100 Days and he still has a nasty cough which has made him absent for many days. When Conor is at school, he is a very likable student. 

Attachment J:
The following is a classification of drugs and illegal substances. Agents should note that if they use any Class A drug, they will be expelled from CHERUB. Agents who take Class B or C drugs will be pulled off the mission immediately and will be returning to the CHERUB compound for punishment. 

Class A Drugs: 
Ecstasy, LSD, heroin, cocaine, crack, magic mushrooms, amphetamines (if prepared for injection). 

Class B Drugs: 

Amphetamines, Methylphenidate (Ritalin), Pholcodine.

Class C Drugs:
Cannabis, tranquilisers, come painkillers, Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB), Ketamine

[Image: embed.php?text=Applicable%20jobs&name=CG...lor=15155E]

School Staff: 

Teacher (0/10): 
Cook (0/2):
Maid (0/2):
Headmaster (1/1): Clawz (Undercover Job)
Secretary (0/2):
School Bus Driver (1/1): [FL:RP] Suarez (Undercover Job)
Student (3/-): CorieTheNub, Colonel Chaperon (app done by PM)


CHERUB Agent (3/5): kylefraser, Judge Rage,FAngz
Mission Supervisor (2/2): [FL:RP] Suarez, [FL:RP] TheMJ


Isaac Collins (1/1): [FL:RP] Waterloo (ClawZ)
Miriam Collins (0/1):
Gideon Collins (1/1): Marty
Renee Collins (0/1):
Bridget Collins (0/1):
Joseph Collins (1/1): Josephcox101

Due to the difficulty of this RP, I have set a 100 hour mininum and a 1RPP requirement.
If you have any other job ideas fill in the application below, and I'll give you my verdict.

[b][size=large]OOC Information:[/size][/b]

[b]Steam Name:[/b]
[b]Steam ID:[/b]
[b]Hours on FL:[/b]
[b]Roleplay Points:[/b]
[b]Your understanding of the RP:[/b]

[b][size=large]IC Information:[/size][/b]

[b]Full Name (if not applying for a character):[/b]
[b]Age (if not applying for a character):[/b]
[b]Job you're applying for:[/b]
[b]Why do you want to be a part of this RP:[/b]
[b]What will you bring to the RP to improve it:[/b]

Barkles - Overseeing Administrator

The event will be happening on the v2d version of the server and on Saturday 9th May at 3PM GMT+1.
This can be delayed accordingly to the time differences.

Messages In This Thread
[EVENT] IRA Infiltration - by Waterloo - 05-01-2015, 01:49 PM
RE: [EVENT] IRA Infiltration - by Himalaya Eater - 05-01-2015, 02:36 PM
RE: [EVENT] IRA Infiltration - by Waterloo - 05-01-2015, 02:39 PM
RE: [EVENT] IRA Infiltration - by Suarez - 05-01-2015, 02:49 PM
RE: [EVENT] IRA Infiltration - by Waterloo - 05-01-2015, 03:09 PM
RE: [EVENT] IRA Infiltration - by Lizard - 05-01-2015, 04:06 PM
RE: [EVENT] IRA Infiltration - by Waterloo - 05-01-2015, 04:16 PM
RE: [EVENT] IRA Infiltration - by CorieTheNub - 05-01-2015, 04:24 PM
RE: [EVENT] IRA Infiltration - by Waterloo - 05-01-2015, 04:30 PM
RE: [EVENT] IRA Infiltration - by Marty - 05-01-2015, 04:30 PM
RE: [EVENT] IRA Infiltration - by Waterloo - 05-01-2015, 04:34 PM
RE: [EVENT] IRA Infiltration - by TheMJ - 05-01-2015, 05:43 PM
RE: [EVENT] IRA Infiltration - by Judge Rage - 05-01-2015, 07:11 PM
RE: [EVENT] IRA Infiltration - by Waterloo - 05-02-2015, 07:24 AM
RE: [EVENT] IRA Infiltration - by ||Fangz|| - 05-02-2015, 07:58 AM
RE: [EVENT] IRA Infiltration - by Waterloo - 05-02-2015, 08:02 AM
RE: [EVENT] IRA Infiltration - by Cox - 05-02-2015, 09:01 AM
RE: [EVENT] IRA Infiltration - by Waterloo - 05-02-2015, 09:07 AM
RE: [EVENT] IRA Infiltration - by Waterloo - 05-03-2015, 07:30 PM
RE: [EVENT] IRA Infiltration - by adammccoll21 - 05-04-2015, 02:52 PM
RE: [EVENT] IRA Infiltration - by DVN - 05-04-2015, 04:30 PM
RE: [EVENT] IRA Infiltration - by Waterloo - 05-05-2015, 03:07 PM
RE: [EVENT] IRA Infiltration - by adammccoll21 - 05-09-2015, 01:12 PM
RE: [EVENT] IRA Infiltration - by TheMJ - 05-05-2015, 05:18 PM
RE: [EVENT] IRA Infiltration - by TheMJ - 05-05-2015, 06:08 PM
RE: [EVENT] IRA Infiltration - by Waterloo - 05-06-2015, 06:56 AM
RE: [EVENT] IRA Infiltration - by Waterloo - 05-06-2015, 07:30 AM
RE: [EVENT] IRA Infiltration - by Waterloo - 05-09-2015, 07:27 AM
RE: [EVENT] IRA Infiltration - by CorieTheNub - 05-09-2015, 09:07 AM
RE: [EVENT] IRA Infiltration - by Judge Rage - 05-09-2015, 10:05 AM
RE: [EVENT] IRA Infiltration - by Waterloo - 05-09-2015, 01:27 PM
RE: [EVENT] IRA Infiltration - by Judge Rage - 05-09-2015, 01:30 PM
RE: [EVENT] IRA Infiltration - by Waterloo - 05-09-2015, 02:41 PM
RE: [EVENT] IRA Infiltration - by Waterloo - 05-09-2015, 04:48 PM

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