Revamp the Commands Tab
Revamp the Commands Tab


What's wrong with this?

All 68 (yes, I counted) commands are under one tab. 
And they're not even organised in alphabetical order.

Proposed Idea:
Make the Commands tab more like the binds tab:

I just found Griim's one and am suggesting it be implemented in game:

Spoiler :


/laws - Displays all of the current laws on the F1 - Laws tab in the chat box.
/door <purchase/sell/access/color/sellall> - Alternate way of using the functions on the door menu through text commands.
/holster - Holsters the weapon or item that you have actively equipped.
/drop - Drops the weapon or item that you have actively equipped.
/hud - Enabled/disables the display of the game HUD, useful for taking screenshots.
/checktax - Displays the current tax amount set by the president.
/sleep - Makes your character fall asleep in a ragdoll mode.
/wakeup - Wakes up your character if they are sleeping.
/detonate - Detonates a placed breaching charge.
/getid <player name> - Displays the server ID for the specified player (this is an ID number that every player gets when they join, they reset when the server is restarted).
/music - Enables/disables the loading screen music being played when you join the server.
/team <team> - A manual way of changing your character's job type.
/mtldoors - Opens/closes the MTL doors if you have access to them.

/pm <player> <message> - Sends the specified player a private message.
/r <message> - Allows for faster private message replies to the last person who private messaged you.
/w <message> - Whispers a message, this has a very small listening radius for other players.
/y <message> - Yells the message, this has a much higher listening proximity for players than a standard message.
/radio - Sends a message over your team's radio, anyone in your team will see this but also players within a close proximity.
/request - Sends a message to all of the official government members.
/advert <message> - Sends out an advert to all players in the server at the cost of $250, usually used to promote a business or event.
/stolen - Reports your vehicle being stolen to the police. This automatically provides them with information such as vehicle type and license plate.
// - Talk in Out of Character chat to everyone on the server.

.// - Talk in Local Out of Character chat to anyone close by to you.
@ <message> - Send a message to all staff members online, be sure to be informative with what you need help with.
/blockpm <player> - Blocks the specified player from sending you private messages.
/unblockpm <player> - Unblocks the specified player and allows them to send you private messages again.

/job <text> - Changes your job title (not the same as changing the job).
/it <text> - Used to describe something that is happening it the world (eg. /it The painting falls off of the wall)
/me <text> - Used to describe something happening to your character (eg. /me takes a seat by the window).
/note <text> - Creates a notepad prop which shows text when the notepad is targeted.
/igname <text> - Changes your character's in-game name to the one specified.
/description <text> - Changes your character's in-game description to the one specified.
/gender <male/female> - Changes your character's gender which will affect their player model in their next life.

/engine <on/off> - Turns the engine on or off for the vehicle you are currently driving
/flip - If the vehicle you're driving is upside down, this will place it back upright.
/eject <name> - Ejects the specified player from your vehicle.
/vehicle <access> - ???

/givemoney <amount> - Directly pay the targeted player the specified amount of cash.
/dropmoney <amount> - Drops the specified amount of money onto the ground.
/inventory <item> <destroy/drop/give/use/remove> - A way of using the functions on the inventory 
/manufacture <item> - A way of manufacturing an item through a text command.
/container <item> - ???

[b]/warrant <player/id> <search/arrest> <reason>[/b] - Requests a warrant on a player who has broken the law
/unwarrant <player/id> - Removes the warrant on a player[/b]

LEADERSHIP (Rebel Leader, Don Corleone, Police Sergeant, SRU Sergeant, President)
/demote <player> <reason> - Demotes the specified player from your gang/government.
/objective - Set your team objective if you are leader of the rebels.

/broadcast <message> - Broadcasts messages to all citizens in easily noticable orange text .
[b]/warrant <player/id> <search/arrest> <time (if arrest)>[/b] - Requests a warrant on a player who has broken the law
/unwarrant <player/id> - Removes the warrant on a player
/addlaw <text> - Adds a law to the F1 - Laws tab.
/removelaw <law id> - Removes the specified law from the list of laws on the F1- Laws tab
/clearlaws - Clears all of the laws on the F1 - Laws tab
/tax - Set the tax amount for citizens in the city that is paid to the president. This is 0-20% of their salary.
/lockdown - Places the city in a state of lockdown where citizens are ordered to clear the streets and return to their homes.
/unlockdown- Cancels the state of lockdown.
/wanted <player/id> - Announced to everyone that a person is wanted by the police, if citizens see the wanted criminal then they may report them to the police.
/nexuslights <colour> <low/medium/bright> - Changes the colour of the lights inside the Nexus to your choosing (only usable on the v2d map).
/nexuslights custom <rgb code> <low/medium/bright> - Changes the colour of the lights inside nexus using an RGB code.


Messages In This Thread
Revamp the Commands Tab - by Safira - 04-26-2015, 07:39 AM
RE: Revamp the Commands Tab - by Cameron - 04-26-2015, 08:08 AM
RE: Revamp the Commands Tab - by SixPackSoCali - 04-26-2015, 08:26 AM
RE: Revamp the Commands Tab - by MacTavish - 04-26-2015, 08:44 AM
RE: Revamp the Commands Tab - by Wood - 04-26-2015, 09:09 AM

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