When you get your first roleplay point on Fearless..
My first point was from Shadow.

Back when I was a player and used to play FL with a couple of IRL friends,  there was a dictatorship on the server.  A bunch of staff members were security for the Dictator.
Shadow among them.  We then decided to try and take out the Dictator. so I came up with a plan.  The dictator was going on a drive, and had a bunch of cars covering him.
So my plan was to wait for the dictator and his escort to drive into a tunnel, then having cars on both sides blocking them in, and then just spray and pray into the tunnel.
And so we did.  We blocked off the tunnel, and jumped out spraying.  However, when the guys in the escort jumped out, it seemed like half the server was inside the tunnel,
so we tried to flee, but failed.  We got killed. However, during the panic inside the tunnel, the dictator had jumped out, and another car drove over him, so at least the dictator died.    
Half an hour later, Shadow popped up and gave me and my friends an RP point.

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RE: When you get your first roleplay point on Fearless.. - by Feffe - 01-16-2015, 12:12 PM

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