Irnbrucan unblacklist
Your name: Irnbrucan
Your blacklist ID: 46569 & 46568
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:32264837
Reason: Shooting injured/tazed bodies, failRP, random taze
Staff member who blacklisted you: [FL] Laurenz
Reason why you should be unblacklisted: just a heads up this sounds like a BR (or PR) for a bit but its not
 Assassin gamer (the guy i shot) was previous to this being incredibly racist towards me and Madog down the mic shouting all sort of abuse towards Scottish people (of which i am one) and to add insult to injury had his description set to 'scottish' which he clearly isn't he has a strong south English accent ill spare you the details won't give you the whole thing but 'skirt wearing ginger ***' was probably the most frequent line (p.s no admin was on the whole time he came on just in-time to blacklist me)
so 5 mins later i change jobs to a police officer and low and behold i go round the corner just in time to see assassin gamer blowing some random civilians head off with an ak, i pull a tazer out run up try to taze him (and tazer being as buggy as they are it did nothing) so i pulled my gun out told him to hold it and he continued to run screaming (i mean screaming, he got a very...shall we say, youthful voice) about me trying to random arrest him or something he jumps in his buddys car and drives away so i lose him

10 minutes later im called over to a guy apprently prop pushing a car off the road i go over no prop pushing going on but there is a car half way up a pavement so i ask the two people there, and this is a quote 'assasin, enabled what happend here' and without missing a beat he starts screaming METAGAMING down the mic at me and i say 'what whos meta gaming?' and he start saying im meta gaming for calling him by his steam name and im not gonna lie i did at this point straight up tazed him and shot him (unaware that an admin had came on the server so i thought there wasn't gonna be a way to deal with this minge). my reasoning for doing so? i had came to the conclusion he was a straight up troll, he was breaking rules constantly, being racist, and just rdming folk every now and then and i was fed up so i shot him and picked up his ak to stop his buddy from grabbing it and shooting me the admin then picked me up froze me on a building and blacklisted me from both officer and guns without further questioning (i pm'ed the admin and asked if we could discuss the matter he/she ignored me (which is fine i assume they were busy)

also there was no president and i thought you couldnt arrest people without a president (due to warrants) but i was later corrected (this part was entirely my bad).

TL;DR i tazed and shot a guy for being incredibly racist and a minge and complaining about pointless things to get out of rp situations, he tested my patience and he won, i made a poor judgement call by not checking if an admin had joined in the last 3 minutes to deal with the situation in a more formal manor but since its V2P you get used to having to fight your own battles since there is never any admins on.

Messages In This Thread
Irnbrucan unblacklist - by irnbrucan - 01-07-2015, 07:33 PM
RE: Irnbrucan unblacklist - by dig - 01-08-2015, 12:14 AM
RE: Irnbrucan unblacklist - by irnbrucan - 01-08-2015, 05:10 PM
RE: Irnbrucan unblacklist - by dig - 01-08-2015, 06:44 PM

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