Powersurge(Fizzleclaw) Introduction.
Remember those chills.. The ones that moves down your spine, because you saw my gleaming red eyes, staring calmly at you. Don't worry though, we both know ghosts aren't real, right?

Name's Powersurge, also know as the captain Scrublord Fizzleclaw. Popular on a few seriousRP servers, i got introduced to the server by a friend saying it was a mix of Semi and serious, so i'm interested. Good day.

Messages In This Thread
Powersurge(Fizzleclaw) Introduction. - by Fizzleclaw - 10-18-2014, 03:40 PM
RE: Powersurge(Fizzleclaw) Introduction. - by Jan - 10-18-2014, 09:01 PM

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