LEOTEMO125BMX Unban Request about NLR
Your name:LEOTEMO125BMX

Your ban ID:54145

Banned by:Shadow


Involved:I received a residient report that someone got a gun and got in nexus and they said he wanted to kill president,then i called the backup,sergeant came to find me ,we found a people in court that he got a gun,sergeant warned to him,but he did not listen , then he open fire to us first,we engaged, i died first and lost a mp5,after rebirth,i saw him in nexus lobby and shot me,i engaged again the died again (he is very powerful)and lost mp5 again,after i rebirth,i banned by Shadow

Why we should unban you:i just want to arrest the killer but he open fire first and don't listen our order,we need to engaged and lost two MP5,so i do not know why use NLR to ban me,i just can say so sorry,and hope admin can Unban me.


Messages In This Thread
LEOTEMO125BMX Unban Request about NLR - by leoyeung125 - 09-29-2014, 10:38 AM

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