[FL:RP] Makaveli - UBR
Your name: [FL:RP] Makaveli

Your ban ID: 52680

Banned by: [FL] Fultz

Reason: FearRP / Invalid reason to kill someone

Involved: Wood and another cop.

Why we should unban you: I have no clue why I got banned in the first place, I drove a white SRU (behind another car, same color, same car I also got random warranted at KFC for arrest when I was driving around cruising) when I left the city tunnel and was heading for the slums area, I got rammed by a police car and it was badly so the side of my car was floating in the air. I wasn't speeding or trying to make a car chase, instead of pulling me over he rammed me and then went out at put a gun out on me.

I asked "What have I done",
Wood said "You ran away when I told you to drive into the side".
I said "There was 2 SUV's with the same color, you got wrong guy".
Wood said "I know it was you."
I asked "What is my license plate, and do not run infront of my car and check, he did not know so he ran infront of my car and then said (STEALME), which is FAILRP since if he knew who the SUV was then he would know the license plate.
Wood told me several times to stepout and I told him simply, No, you failRP you did not know my license plate number, but a bit later I got out, I was standing in side of him for like 1-3 minutes and he still had his gun on the car, so I took my tranq and tranqed him, later a cop came and saw it and started aiming at me so I had to advance and bring a ump to shoot them both down to save my own ass, I killed them and escaped the scene and a while later I disconnected.

When I tried to login I was banned from fearless, checked the ban list and saw that Fultz banned me. He was AFK during this time when it occured, nobody was chasing me or trying to arrest me when I disconnected (I had to leave to handle personal buisness) the cops were dead and they couldn't break NLR.

I do not understand since I never saw a ban request on me and clearly (Fultz) weren't active so I do not understand from were the proof comes of me breaking FearRP or killing without a reason since he never added me on steam or sent a forum message asking my side of the story which leads to admin is just trying to help his friend or something since he need to hear both sides before making a decision like this (Which) I see as lack of communication from the Administrator.

Thank you for reading this unban request.

Messages In This Thread
[FL:RP] Makaveli - UBR - by radde94 - 08-22-2014, 05:55 PM
RE: [FL:RP] Makaveli - UBR - by Fultz - 08-22-2014, 06:10 PM
RE: [FL:RP] Makaveli - UBR - by radde94 - 08-22-2014, 07:32 PM
RE: [FL:RP] Makaveli - UBR - by Wood - 08-22-2014, 06:13 PM
RE: [FL:RP] Makaveli - UBR - by Fultz - 08-22-2014, 07:38 PM
RE: [FL:RP] Makaveli - UBR - by radde94 - 08-23-2014, 06:04 AM
RE: [FL:RP] Makaveli - UBR - by Wood - 08-23-2014, 07:14 AM
RE: [FL:RP] Makaveli - UBR - by radde94 - 08-23-2014, 07:26 AM
RE: [FL:RP] Makaveli - UBR - by Wood - 08-23-2014, 08:21 AM
RE: [FL:RP] Makaveli - UBR - by radde94 - 08-23-2014, 10:05 AM
RE: [FL:RP] Makaveli - UBR - by Wood - 08-23-2014, 02:41 PM
RE: [FL:RP] Makaveli - UBR - by radde94 - 08-23-2014, 06:31 PM
RE: [FL:RP] Makaveli - UBR - by Wood - 08-23-2014, 06:37 PM
RE: [FL:RP] Makaveli - UBR - by Fultz - 08-26-2014, 03:00 PM

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