Please consider shortening my ban.
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User has been warned for this post. Reason: Posting a second unban request shortly after the first one was denied
Your name: The Man With No Name

Your ban ID: 51397

Banned by: [FL] Floodify

Reason: 'Hydralic on cars'

Involved: [FL:RP] Jack Sparrow

Why we should unban you:


I am more than grateful for being pardoned from a permanent ban however i am now on a ban of 5 months. Could you please please shorten this or unban me, i just started having fun with FL:RP, bought a car, made some friends and i really have nothing else to play for the next 5 months, it is quite some time, especially now, it is the summer holidays, i will have to go back to college soon and there will be no time for games what so ever, i want to make the most of this time. I only have 116 hours on Garry's Mod, i never even had a thought of exploiting or using hydraulics to minge people's cars, i didn't know that this was not permitted on FL:RP. I didn't mean to do anything bad, i really believe that i do not deserve to be banned for 5 months for trying to role play things. I understand that hydraulics are not to be used on entities now, i will never do it. I will read over the rules again to see if there is anything new or anything that i have missed and to refresh myself on the rules. I would like to see what Floodify (admin that banned me) and other administrators see should be done. Once again i am very grateful for actually getting a chance to play but myself and my brother who was there with me believe that his is an undeserved ban. Please at least put me on probation of some sort, i just want to go back to the server and play with the others. I am meant to be meeting with someone today to buy a tides truck, there is just so much RP i wanted to do. If there is anything i could do in order to go back to playing on the server with my brother and my friends, (apart from waiting 5 months) then please tell me, i will give my best effort to meet your requirements. Thank you, i hope you consider it and don't see me as a complete minge.
If i helped you or if you are just feeling nice you can always give me some rep!

Messages In This Thread
Please consider shortening my ban. - by MohawkPL - 07-28-2014, 01:01 PM

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