pug unblacklist request
Your name: Pug

Your blacklist ID:31975, 31974, 31973

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:90479232

Reason: Prop pushing, attempted propkill, minging with props

Staff member who blacklisted you: [FL] Venom

Reason why you should be unblacklisted: First off I want to say i did not attempt prop kill whats so ever all i did was place 4 chairs to sit with my friends (cause we were just messing around), 2 of my friends got stuck so I used a prop to separate them. After that i put a prop under a chair to see if it will move the chair just out of curiosity I guess you can say that was stupid of me and I should not of tried that. The "experiment" I tried with the chair and prop was completely my fault, I think i still deserve a punishment but not for that long (2 days) or just ban me from phys gun for the 2 days instead of the props and tool gun and the entities .I am completely aware of what I did and realized it was wrong. And again sorry for the trouble

Messages In This Thread
pug unblacklist request - by pug - 06-21-2014, 03:58 AM
RE: pug unblacklist request - by Venom - 06-30-2014, 03:10 PM

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