Doctor Internet, BlackForestAdam and Tom_Carry
As Spyderr proved people has been and are being banned for promoting aggressive RP. No raid was happening because I didnt get the warrant from the president. I died at a later point when I was going to arrest you and that Ghost dude, shame I called an moderator and died when I was typing OOCly though.

When the president broadcasted that the Corleones was allowed back into the town but asked us to keep an eye on the since they were being suspicious YOU wrote OOCly: "We're not suspecious at all." You were not even a Corleone so why would you write "We're" if you didnt base with them?

I didnt bring in the Corleone who you were living with because I didnt know who it was, atleast 3 Corleones were in that house with you, all of you literally waved the contraband infront of me, waiting for me to raid.

If thats not promoting aggressive RP and you not basing with them I dont know what is. Sure, that guy who owned the place was a citizen but the rest of the crew in that house were Corleones.

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RE: Doctor Internet, BlackForestAdam and Tom_Carry - by Humla - 01-05-2014, 07:00 PM

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