Your name: Garryfish

Your ban ID: 37627

Banned by: Aviator

Reason: FearRP

Involved: Me and a cop

Why we should unban you: Well, i want to explain what happend.

I was being chased by a cop in the city. He had pulled his tazer, but he was atleast 2-3 meters away from me. I thought to myself, that i would make a run for it, his tazer wasn't in range. So i turned around fast, and ran. I looked back, and he started running after me a couple of seconds after. I did not think fearRP was applied. I ran to the slums door, i opened it, and i kinda got stuck, and i feared that the cop was getting close, so i tried to close the door (without succes). i continued to run, into one of the rooms, someone apparently owned it, but the person did not lock his door, lucky me. Though he had a custom door inside. The cop caught me in there, and i stopped. I didn't try to make a run for it. It was also impossible, really.

i agree, i should be banned, for me not reading the rules correct (thinking taser doesn't apply fearRP), but not for that long. I even explained to the admin, that i did not know tazer was included. He then banned me for 3 or 4 days? i dont know, but something like that, and it's really unfair, as most people get a day or so, and really, i made a mistake, i regret it, but still, the ban shouldn't be that harsh afterall, they didn't have 5 M4a1's at me.

Messages In This Thread
FearRP - by Garryfish - 09-15-2013, 03:28 PM
RE: FearRP - by Grub - 09-16-2013, 12:04 AM

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